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25 Sep 2010 10:32


Politics: Obama’s approval rating hits a brand-new low

  • 56% think Obama isn’t a very good president and sucks and stuff
  • 42%think Obama is in fact still a good president – this specific number is at an all-time low
  • 2%don’t really think about the news that much, apparently source

03 Sep 2010 18:56


Politics: Alaskans prefer Kenyan Socialist with funny name to Sarah Palin

  • 37% Sarah Palin’s approval rating in Alaska
  • 44% Barack Obama’s approval rating in Alaska source
  • » Who would have thought that abandoning your state halfway through your term as Governor might make your constituents dislike you? Also in that poll: Only 6% of Alaskans like Levi Johnston, and residents with positive feelings about Palin are twice as likely to believe they can see Russia from their houses as those who dislike her.

15 Aug 2010 09:58


Politics: Protip to Michelle Obama: Never go to Spain again, OK?

  • 64% the first lady’s approval rating in June 2009, when she was loved
  • 50% her approval rating this week, after her glitzy trip to Spain source

18 Jan 2010 10:09


U.S.: Obama’s up on overall approval, down on race relations

  • 53% approval rating, which is up slightly (+/- 3%)

On race relations:

  • 58% of Americans thought Obama would change race relations before his inauguration
  • 41% of Americans say he’s actually improved race relations in his first full year in office source
  • Where was the freefall? Strangely enough, it was largest among other blacks. While white voters dipped to about 40 percent from 55 percent, blacks were at 75 percent a year ago, free-falling to 51 percent – a 24-point decline.

20 Nov 2009 19:14


U.S.: It’s official. Obama’s job approval rating is no longer above 50%.

  • 49% of respondents in today’s Gallup poll big-upped the president’s job performance source

13 Oct 2009 09:58


U.S.: Arnold Schwartzenegger’s approval nearing Gray Davis’. Really.

  • 22% Gray Davis’ approval rating at the time that Arnold Schwartzenegger was elected in a recall source

27 Aug 2009 10:16


U.S.: Obama’s honeymoon with independent voters is over

  • 66% Obama’s approval rating in May from independent voters source

20 Jul 2009 11:48


U.S.: Public support for Obama’s health care plan is flagging

  • 49% of those surveyed said they support the way Obama’s handling health care – the first time it’s dipped below 50% since he took office source

17 Jun 2009 22:11


U.S.: Most people like Obama, but the love affair is now over

  • 56% Obama’s approval rating in May, down 5% from April source

20 Feb 2009 13:40


U.S.: How’s Obama doing in the polls?

  • 67% approval rating, down a bit but still pretty high source