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07 Dec 2009 21:14


Politics: Mitch McConnell is an old man who does nothing but complain

  • If your goal was to come up with a plan for financial ruin, you couldn’t come up with a better idea than cutting a program by $500 billion and simultaneously expanding the number of people it is required to cover.
  • Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell • Making another one of his snippy comments about the health care bill. It’s too bad he’s saying it about a potential breakthrough for the bill in the Senate. The latest idea being bandied about: Allow lower-income people as young as 55 to bask in the glory that is Medicare. Now, McConnell does have a point about this – they’re cutting Medicare AND adding people to it – but then again, it’s not like this jerk has actually come up with a solution besides “complain more and stonewall any reasonable progress.” Do more than that and we’ll give you credit. source

11 Nov 2009 20:51


Politics: Lou Dobbs: The Last of the Mohicans on CNN; peace out brah

  • Who didn’t see this coming? Our boy Lou is like the DJ playing heavy metal on the smooth jazz station – he doesn’t fit CNN to the point that people regularly complain about it. As he notes, though, this will be sad – he was the last of original anchors on the network. Considering the open-ended way he spoke of leaving, we hope he does something completely left-field. Like run for president in 2010. Whaddya mean there isn’t a presidential election in 2010? As for CNN, they plan to announce a replacement tomorrow morning. (please not michael savage, please not michael savage)source

26 Feb 2009 21:45


Biz, U.S.: Hey Denver! You’re losing a newspaper. You should complain.

  • Here’s where to write your angry letters. The Rocky Mountain News, the oldest paper in Colorado is shutting down tomorrow. Like, that’s it. One day of notice. Because that’s the least-abrupt way to go. Call this number and jam up their lines: (513) 977-3000. Write the address here. And tell them how much you appreciate them removing the Rocky Mountain News from your life. Save the nicest words for E.W. Scripps president Richard A. Boehne. source