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15 Mar 2009 23:59


Biz, U.S.: This looks heartening for the Rocky Mountain News.

Some former staffers will make a big announcement tomorrow. Good luck, guys. *fingers crossed* source

27 Feb 2009 10:22


Biz, U.S.: This last Rocky cover is really sad. Like really. :(

You just want to give the staff a big hug and say everything will be OK. source

26 Feb 2009 22:38


Biz, U.S.: OK, last newspaper article for now: Who killed the Rocky?

This site uses AJAX to pin blame on the death of the Rocky. Scripps is winning. source

26 Feb 2009 22:10


Biz, U.S.: Key stats of the dying Rocky Mountain News

  • 150 years old, the age of the newspaper, the oldest in the state of Colorado. Well, almost – the Rocky died just before it could reach the mark. source

26 Feb 2009 21:52


Biz, U.S.: Scripps CEO on the Rocky’s death: Denver not a two-paper town

  • Denver can’t support two newspapers any longer. It’s certainly not good news for you, and it’s certainly not good news for Denver.
  • Rich Boehne • CEO of E.W. Scripps Co., on why the company that decided to close one of the city’s two daily newspapers. *Eyeroll* • source

26 Feb 2009 21:45


Biz, U.S.: Hey Denver! You’re losing a newspaper. You should complain.

  • Here’s where to write your angry letters. The Rocky Mountain News, the oldest paper in Colorado is shutting down tomorrow. Like, that’s it. One day of notice. Because that’s the least-abrupt way to go. Call this number and jam up their lines: (513) 977-3000. Write the address here. And tell them how much you appreciate them removing the Rocky Mountain News from your life. Save the nicest words for E.W. Scripps president Richard A. Boehne. source