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01 Aug 2009 14:22


Biz, Tech: AT&T: Don’t blame us for Google Voice. Blame Apple.

  • AT&T does not manage or approve applications for the App Store. We have received the letter and will, of course, respond to it.
  • AT&T • In a statement to Mashable regarding the controversy circling the Google Voice iPhone app. While AT&T themselves may not have forced the hand of Apple, agreements put in place may have directly influenced it.  • source

13 Jul 2009 09:55


Tech: Coming soon: A free, Web-appy version of Microsoft Office

  • Perfect. Now we can run it on Chrome OS. Microsoft Office 2010, which was released in a developer-only technical preview version this morning, will bring the worlds of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote to the Web browser – just like Google! (We want to know how long it took them to build it for IE6, or if they even tried.) Incredibly curious like we are? Well, you’ll have to wait until later this year, when the full beta comes out. source

27 Jun 2009 13:13


Tech: Which Twitter desktop client is the best? We vote Seesmic Desktop.

Sure, TweetDeck is OK, but Seesmic Desktop is so good that we’d offer up Julius as a spokesman to them. (We also recommend TwitterFox.) source

07 Apr 2009 21:56


Tech: The latest get-rich-quick scheme: iPhone app development

  • $800,000 amount the creator of the app iShoot made in the App Store in five months source

01 Apr 2009 10:21


Tech: So, Blackberry has a new app store – just like Apple!

You know, Blackberries are popular, too. Why the heck not? Good going, Research in Motion! source

06 Mar 2009 15:09


Tech: Why wouldn’t Apple like an alternative iPhone app store?

  • 30% The amount Apple gets on app store commissions source

21 Feb 2009 16:39


Tech: Why it sucks to be an iPhone app

  • 30% of apps get used the next day, then forgotten about source

09 Feb 2009 10:09


Biz, Tech: Microsoft: People don’t use many apps, so we’ll charge more!

  • 2 number of Windows apps MS claims the average person uses source

06 Feb 2009 08:29


Offbeat: How many people have applied for the Aussie dream job, anyway?

  • 10,000+ applications have been submitted for the job, which would be fun in the sun in the Great Barrief Reef for six months source