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22 Sep 2010 10:51


Tech: Internet Explorer 9’s beta doing some boffo downloads

  • 2 million downloads in only two days – not bad considering no XP source

15 Apr 2010 09:15


Tech: Despite sucking terribly, Opera Mini gets a ton of downloads

  • 1 million downloads of a crap iPhone browser in its first full day source

30 Jun 2009 23:04


Tech: A lot of people have downloaded Firefox 3.5 already

  • 2+ million people downloaded Firefox 3.5 already today source

07 May 2009 10:05


Culture, Tech: Hugh Jackman’s leaked “Wolverine” graced a ton of laptops

24 Apr 2009 23:52


Tech: MPAA: Lock the doors, kick the public out. Judge: OK!

  • The RealDVD trial takes a sketchy turn. The Motion Picture Association of America and another group, concerned that trade secrets about DVD encryption technology would be revealed during a trial against Real, asked the judge to close the courtroom. Judge Marilyn Patel agreed. RealDVD, if you don’t know, allows people to save DVDs onto their computer and legally watch them later. Just days after releasing the software, Real was sued by the MPAA. The closed courtroom does not bode well for Real’s case, by the way. source

23 Apr 2009 22:38


Tech: Apple finally topples the mysterious 1 billion iPhone app mark

Good news, guys! When we hit our 1 billionth post, we’re going to give you a free laptop. It might be a while, though. source

01 Apr 2009 10:21


Tech: So, Blackberry has a new app store – just like Apple!

You know, Blackberries are popular, too. Why the heck not? Good going, Research in Motion! source

31 Mar 2009 10:53


Music, Tech: Speaking of Google, they’re giving away free tunes in China

  • 1.1 million tracks are available at the launch of the service, which is decent, but no iTunes source

20 Mar 2009 13:02


Biz, Music: The music industry sees a customer gap unfolding

  • -17 million fewer customers bought CDs in 2008. That’s pretty bad for the music industry, friends. source

21 Feb 2009 16:39


Tech: Why it sucks to be an iPhone app

  • 30% of apps get used the next day, then forgotten about source