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22 Feb 2010 21:13


U.S.: Dick Cheney has chest pains, in the hospital again

The former vice president had his first heart attack 32 years ago. He’s had four since. So yeah, his heart isn’t exactly like the most stable thing ever. source

22 Feb 2010 18:56


Politics: Here’s what that baby-killer Scott Brown said about the jobs bill

  • It is the first step in creating jobs, not only for the people of Massachusetts but for the people of the country.
  • Sen. Scott Brown • Regarding the jobs bill, which passed a test vote 62-30 with bipartisan support, including a vote from Brown himself. Twitter conservatives are currently having a fit because the bipartisan turn seems to have been exactly the opposite of what they were expecting from Brown, who is moderate. Shall we stone him now or stone him later? source

22 Feb 2010 18:45


22 Feb 2010 10:40


Culture: “Embrace Life”: Wrap your arms around pretentious seat belt ads

  • This approach to convincing people to wear seat belts is a little art-damaged, but it’s definitely effective. Next time we’re riding in a car, we’re going to get a mom and daughter to wrap their arms around us. Just look at how effective they are in this living room!

22 Feb 2010 10:30


Tech: Happy 20th birthday Photoshop! We’ve used you before, we think

  • Yay Photoshop! No single app has brought graphic design into a mainstream light better than Photoshop, which is a great reason to celebrate its 20th anniversary. Strangely enough, this timeline doesn’t mention anything about that slow transition to supporting Intel Macs. Must’ve forgot that. Either way, heck yeah! Happy birthday Photoshop! source

22 Feb 2010 10:23


22 Feb 2010 10:18


U.S.: Get ready to sink your teeth into health care again – for the first time

  • Admit it, you’ve been waiting for this moment all morning. Obama’s got a health care plan for everyone to dig into at length, and a fresh Monday morning is as good a time as any to sink one’s teeth into health care. Reuters has the details if you don’t want to dig in, but let’s put it this way: This is put together as if bro wants to get it passed. ‘Nuff said. source

22 Feb 2010 10:07


Biz: U.S. to Glaxo: Uh, you should pull Avandia from the market

  • The drug has long been linked to heart attacks. The Senate Finance Committee released a report over the weekend containing internal FDA documents recommending it should be pulled from the market. Glaxo, though, is trying its hardest to avoid the pulling of the diabetes drug, and is in the midst of a blind test with another drug, Actos, to show how safe it is. That’s despite the use of a fear-of-God “black box” warning on the drug, and despite a study noting a 43 percent increase in heart trouble for Avendia users. The report suggests Glaxo knew the issues but kept the drug on the market anyway. Yikes. source

22 Feb 2010 09:48


Politics: Most people say the government’s broken, and then some

  • 73% of Americans think that the government is broken, as Joe Biden sez
  • 15% would venture to disagree with that sentiment
  • 12% would venture to not give a crap about that question source

22 Feb 2010 09:42


U.S.: Some people in this recession lose jobs, never get them back

  • 6.3 million long-term unemployed as of January; Jesus source