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04 Nov 2010 10:25


Tech: Soviet photoshopping technology, circa 1987: This is rad.

  • Who needs Photoshop? Not the Soviets. Years before Photoshop became the photo-editing software du jour, they already had some fairly advanced photo-retouching technology. Sure, the tools were a little big and clunky, but clearly they were ultra-effective. If only they had kept at it a little longer; we might all be speaking Russian at the moment. source

24 Jun 2010 11:20


Tech: The Getty Images iPad app is full of photo-editing win

  • We mentioned this to our boy Charles Apple last night, but it needs to be emphasized. This app makes photo-editing – a job that once required people to spend hours looking at dull Web pages – significantly easier. We used it and found the interface impeccable – it’s just easier than clicking through page after page of photos. We approve. (Do this with iStockPhoto next, guys. Please? You own it. You could do it.) source

22 Feb 2010 10:30


Tech: Happy 20th birthday Photoshop! We’ve used you before, we think

  • Yay Photoshop! No single app has brought graphic design into a mainstream light better than Photoshop, which is a great reason to celebrate its 20th anniversary. Strangely enough, this timeline doesn’t mention anything about that slow transition to supporting Intel Macs. Must’ve forgot that. Either way, heck yeah! Happy birthday Photoshop! source

09 Feb 2010 09:55


Tech: Apple releases Aperture 3, photographers collectively freak out

  • Sure, it’s a product Steve Jobs doesn’t show off, but it doesn’t mean people still aren’t excited. The photo-editing tool, which is available as a free trial, reportedly has 200 enhancements big and small. It also hasn’t been updated in a couple of years. So it’s due. source

30 Jun 2009 01:41


Tech: Are you a Web designer? These things will make your life easier.

  • Aviary, a robust web-based photo-editing suite that competes with Photoshop (and has the benefit of being free), has a neat new feature. If you want to grab a screenshot of a Web site, put in front of the URL. It’s very easy. Try it on our site.
  • interfaces
  • screenshots