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17 Jan 2010 10:46


World: The Sanjay Gupta thing in Haiti, now with more details

  • what? Sanjay Gupta had to spend his Friday night in Haiti helping earthquake survivors after a crew of Belgian doctors left a makeshift hospital to fend for itself overnight. He did a great job.
  • why? Even though Gupta and others were told the UN had made the decision to move doctors out overnight, it was in fact the lead Belgian doctor who had made the questionable decision.
  • next The UN and Belgian government promise to give the doctors security forces to protect themselves from looters, criminals or anyone else in the wake of the earthquake. source

17 Jan 2010 10:36


Politics: The Supreme Court’s blocking of Prop. 8 cameras: Unfair?

  • Everything about the Supreme Court’s decision to stay the broadcast (and the Proposition 8 camp’s request to black out the trial in the first place) betrays a deep ambivalence about the same humble American voter whose very rights the court purports to be defending.
  • Slate writer Dahlia Lithwick • Discussing the Supreme Court’s decision to ban cameras during the Proposition 8 gay marriage trial in California. Lithwick claims the trial itself is somewhat questionable, but the banning of cameras in the courtroom is beyond absurd and is completely disrespectful to the rights of the American public. She further explains: “As it explains in its order: ‘This case, too, involves issues subject to intense debate in our society’ and it ‘is therefore not a good one for a pilot program.’ So, um, we the people are only fit to watch low-profile, boring cases?” source

17 Jan 2010 10:15


U.S.: Mumia Abu-Jamal’s case hits the Supreme Court again

  • SCOTUS will tackle the heavily-debated cop killer case on Tuesday. On December 9, 1981, police officer Daniel Faulkner was murdered. And for nearly 30 years since, Mumia Abu-Jamal has been on death row fighting the conviction. The Supreme Court will release a sentencing-related decision on Abu-Jamal, who was well-known as a radio journalist before the 1982 conviction. The decision will not have any effect on Abu-Jamal’s conviction – but it could lead to a new jury trial on his death sentence. source

17 Jan 2010 09:46


U.S., World: FBI fail: Feds compare Bin Laden to a Spanish politician

Spanish politician Gaspar Llamazares, right, is perhaps a bit ticked that someone thought to use his mugshot to update Osama Bin Laden’s mug. source

16 Jan 2010 17:09


Tech: Nokia and Apple still having a massive contest of egos

  • nokia Has lost massive market share after the iPhone’s release. Sued Apple for patent infringement. Apple rebuffed. Sued Apple again, claiming that nearly all products Apple makes infringe their patents.
  • apple Has completely changed the market that Nokia owned for about a decade. Claims Nokia essentially copied their phones. Is now asking the ITC to block all imports of Nokia phones into the U.S. source

16 Jan 2010 16:49


World: Sanjay Gupta officially more helpful than the United Nations

  • What is striking to me as a physician is that patients who just had surgery, patients who are critically ill are essentially being left here, nobody to care for them.
  • Dr. Sanjay Gupta • Regarding a situation where he ended up helping a bunch of earthquake victims out of security concerns after the UN-led group that was there was reportedly told to leave out of security concerns. Gupta stayed overnight with the victims, trying to help them out, but having trouble due to lack of supplies. The UN, for their part, claims it did not tell the doctors and other medical support to leave, but other organizations they were tied to might have. Gupta made sure all the victims survived through the night, because he’s an amazing human being. source

16 Jan 2010 16:36


U.S., World: Nelson Mandela: An example of terror watch resource waste?

  • 15 years on the U.S. terror watch list after he won a Nobel source

16 Jan 2010 15:42


Tech, World: Germany sez not to use Internet Explorer because it sucks

  • IE has been blamed for the massive hack attack on Google and others. Internet Explorer’s long history of being a sucky browser is catching up with it, and now Germany – a.k.a. a freaking massive country – is telling its citizens to stop using Internet Explorer altogether. The security hole found, by the way, affects all versions of IE, although Microsoft says more recent versions are safer. source

16 Jan 2010 13:16


World: Third time a charm? Karzai’s second attempt at a cabinet rejected

  • 7 of Karzai’s 17 minister picks got approved; the rest, failures source

16 Jan 2010 12:52


U.S.: Today, Democrats are scrambling to save Ted Kennedy’s old seat

  • Teddy always told me when you’re in a fight, there’s nobody like organized labor. You’re about the future. You’re about moving this country forward. You always have been. We can’t go backwards now.
  • Vicki Kennedy • Stumping for state Attorney General Martha Coakley Saturday morning at the Dorchester headquarters of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Coakley’s in great danger of losing the race for Ted Kennedy’s old seat to Republican upstart Scott Brown. If Brown wins on Tuesday, the Democrats lose their essential 60th vote. This is a big deal for the left. source