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19 Jan 2010 20:27


Politics: On media ethics in Haiti: Stop giving Anderson Cooper crap!

  • We need to make an important point here. (Note the graphic video.) Anderson Cooper saved a young boy’s life here. And this past weekend, Sanjay Gupta kept a hospital afloat. Other doctors and reporters are getting their hands dirty in helping out with one of the worst natural disasters in history. And yet, some media critics are giving them crap for daring to help. We need to clarify this to our readers here, as fellow journalists:
  • one Being a journalist does not instantly mean that you stop caring about other human beings.
  • two It’s easy to remain impartial when you’re not in a disaster zone like Cooper was.
  • three Life and death is not the point where one brings up an ethical fight. It’s unavoidable.
  • four CNN’s editors may be exploiting it, but we’d rather see reporters help out. source

17 Jan 2010 10:46


World: The Sanjay Gupta thing in Haiti, now with more details

  • what? Sanjay Gupta had to spend his Friday night in Haiti helping earthquake survivors after a crew of Belgian doctors left a makeshift hospital to fend for itself overnight. He did a great job.
  • why? Even though Gupta and others were told the UN had made the decision to move doctors out overnight, it was in fact the lead Belgian doctor who had made the questionable decision.
  • next The UN and Belgian government promise to give the doctors security forces to protect themselves from looters, criminals or anyone else in the wake of the earthquake. source

16 Jan 2010 16:49


World: Sanjay Gupta officially more helpful than the United Nations

  • What is striking to me as a physician is that patients who just had surgery, patients who are critically ill are essentially being left here, nobody to care for them.
  • Dr. Sanjay Gupta • Regarding a situation where he ended up helping a bunch of earthquake victims out of security concerns after the UN-led group that was there was reportedly told to leave out of security concerns. Gupta stayed overnight with the victims, trying to help them out, but having trouble due to lack of supplies. The UN, for their part, claims it did not tell the doctors and other medical support to leave, but other organizations they were tied to might have. Gupta made sure all the victims survived through the night, because he’s an amazing human being. source

05 Mar 2009 21:27


Culture, U.S.: No! Sanjay! You would’ve been a great Surgeon General!

  • Sanjay Gupta withdraws his name from conisderation. The CNN face of health – who has nearly as many jobs as Ryan Seacrest – would’ve given up a significant – and lucrative – media empire in the name of public service, and he wasn’t willing to make the sacrifice. Why man? It’s not like anyone else is tightening their belts right now. source

07 Jan 2009 10:06


U.S.: Sanjay Gupta: From Dr. CNN to Dr. Obama?

  • The next surgeon general CNN revealed today that Gupta, long a familiar face on the network, was tapped by the Obama administration to take a job which allows him to continue to be the most well-known doctor in the country. He’s up to the task: Despite his high-profile day job, he’s managed to continue work as a neurosurgeon and as a assistant professor at Emory University. He’s the Ryan Seacrest of medicine. source