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26 Mar 2011 11:57


U.S.: VIDEO: The end of a dramatic hostage situation in Georgia

  • How a dramatic standoff ended: Jamie Hood, 33, was on the run from police in Athens, Georgia, suspected in the killing of a cop and the shooting of another on Tuesday. (They were trying to arrest him in a carjacking.) Eventually, Hood took a number of hostages — whom he reportedly knew — in an hours-long standoff. Here’s the end of he standoff. Dramatic. But on the plus side, nobody was hurt and Hood turned himself in peacefully. source

17 Jan 2010 10:15


U.S.: Mumia Abu-Jamal’s case hits the Supreme Court again

  • SCOTUS will tackle the heavily-debated cop killer case on Tuesday. On December 9, 1981, police officer Daniel Faulkner was murdered. And for nearly 30 years since, Mumia Abu-Jamal has been on death row fighting the conviction. The Supreme Court will release a sentencing-related decision on Abu-Jamal, who was well-known as a radio journalist before the 1982 conviction. The decision will not have any effect on Abu-Jamal’s conviction – but it could lead to a new jury trial on his death sentence. source

02 Dec 2009 09:10


U.S.: Maurice Clemmons had help, and that help is now in trouble

  • We are all relieved to have Maurice Clemmons off the street, but there is still work to be done here. When you help a criminal, you become a criminal.
  • Pierce County, Wash. prosecutor Mark Lindquist • On the arrest of two suspects who assisted suspected cop kiiller Maurice Clemmons, and probably more coming. In other news, Mike Huckabee took “full responsibility” for commuting Clemmons’ sentence in 2000. source

30 Nov 2009 20:56
