It’s dual-screen AND it’s going to sell for less than $200. We’re gonna buy two so that we can surround ourselves with the Internet at all times.
It goes without saying that a lot is riding now on his ability to re-energize the health care debate and bring it home to a successful conclusion. Nothing will influence the perception of the presidency more than whether he can be successful in getting a health care bill through the Congress.
Obama adviser John D. Podesta • On Obama’s need to win the health care debate. There’s a lot riding on it – if he loses this fight, it could irreparably damage his presidency. So, as he gets back to work from his vacation, watch closely – these next few weeks are critical for the president. • source
I am dismayed by the allegations of some member states, which have been fed to the media, that information has been withheld from the Board. These allegations are politically motivated and totally baseless.
International Atomic Energy Agency leader Mohamed ElBaradei • On allegations that the group is hiding information on Iran’s nuclear prowess. ElBaradei says the situation is something of a “stalemate” between the group and Iran. Israel in particular has been strongly criticizing the IAEA for hiding information. • source
The gauntlet? Thrown. You say you want a day without cats, Urlesque? Well, you aren’t going to find any not cats here. We’re picking up the strays. We’ll post as many cute cat videos between news items as we can. We’ll take submissions. And we’re not going to use stroked Impact. That’s a Bush League move. We’re using stroked Chunk because it’s Impact for classy people.source
They were too tight for the authorities. A Sudanese journalist, Lubna al-Hussein, walked away with approximately 40 fewer lashes than she could’ve gotten after wearing clothing too indecent for their tastes. She was fined instead, but because she chose not to pay the fine, she’ll be spending a month in jail. A fair price to pay for wearing tight pants, if you ask us. source
FDR or Jimmy Carter Joe Trippi, speaking off of comments by his old boss, Howard Dean, suggests that the Van Jones resignation may be an attempt to discredit a president gunning for the legacy of a great.
FDR or Jimmy Carter Joe Trippi, speaking off of comments by his old boss, Howard Dean, suggests that the Van Jones resignation may be an attempt to discredit a president gunning for the legacy of a great.
Al Franken dazzles Despite his rep as a divider due to his years as a liberal icon, Minnesota Senator Al Franken managed to soothe the nerves of a motley crew of health care critics. Impressive, bro.
FDR or Jimmy Carter Joe Trippi, speaking off of comments by his old boss, Howard Dean, suggests that the Van Jones resignation may be an attempt to discredit a president gunning for the legacy of a great.
Al Franken dazzles Despite his rep as a divider due to his years as a liberal icon, Minnesota Senator Al Franken managed to soothe the nerves of a motley crew of health care critics. Impressive, bro.
Newt’s got Obama’s back Newt Gingrich isn’t lining up with fellow Republicans to criticize Obama’s controversial upcoming speech to students. He greatly supports what he expects to be purely “positive.”