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12 Jul 2011 18:51


Politics: Rundown of Mitch McConnell’s proposed debt limit failsafe

  • Mitch McConnell knows what he wants. That’s a very critical thing to remember when examining his new debt limit proposal, which would essentially transfer the power to raise the limit from the congress to President Obama. This may seem innocuous, but is a very political decision; forcing Obama to be the sole person taking an affirmative action to raise the limit, then giving congress a vote of “disapproval” that he’d likely have to veto feeds into the narrative of fiscal irresponsibility the GOP craves. The plan would also force Obama to re-up the limit three separate times before the 2012 election, which is theoretically a big political price to pay. Add in that the increase has to be paired with at least an equivalent amount of spending cuts, and what you see is less the grand compromise than what the GOP has wanted all along — spending cuts and no new revenues.

Some context to keep in mind:

  • The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.
  • Mitch McConnell, speaking to the National Journal back in October • Offering a key thought on his mindset. Now, to be sure, it’ll be good news if the debt limit is raised, even in an otherwise frustrating context. However, it’s good to keep this in mind the next time you think Mitch McConnell is actually working in a bipartisan fashion. We take him at his word on this. source

29 Jun 2011 14:38


Politics: Palin is still unsure of running — or is she?

  • It’s a tough decision, it’s a big decision to decide whether to run for office or not. I’m still contemplating. I am still thinking about the decision and you know a lot goes into such a life-changing, relatively earth-shattering type of decision.
  • Sarah Palin • talking about her decision to run for President. She still isn’t giving anyone a straight answer on what she plans on doing, but her daughter Bristol said some stuff on Fox that says she does have a plan. She told the news station that Palin knows what she’s going to do, and Bristol thinks her mom should go for it. But why would Palin run if Bachmann already did? They’re basically the same kind of candidate — and Palin has pretty much already lost her opportunity to get back into the national spotlight after her bus tour kind of sputtered. It’ll be interesting to see what happens. source

23 May 2011 16:09


Politics: 2012 Election: Will T-Paw finally put his name in the hat?

  • YES Tim Pawlenty is officially running for President source
  • » The least surprising item of the day: It’s not as if anybody really doubted that Tim Pawlenty would be running for President, as he’s made that rather abundantly obvious the last year or so (the title of his recent book, Courage To Stand, basically says all you need to know about his ambitions). However, the timing of this official announcement works to Pawlenty’s favor — it comes quickly after the GOP was set reeling by Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels’ decision not to run. Suddenly facing down a field with virtually no electable candidates, save the primary-vulnerable Mitt Romney, Pawlenty is in a prime place to gain ground, if he can get a little buzz going. A tip from us to T-Paw, though — you don’t have a southern accent, and it’s weird to try to pretend otherwise.

18 Nov 2010 11:02


Politics: Never too early: Here’s the first round of 2012 presidency news

  • obvious Sarah Palin, whose last two years have essentially been a dry run for the presidency, says she could possibly beat Obama in 2012.
  • spiffy In recent days, there’s been talk of Michael Bloomberg and MSNBC host Joe Scarborough running together on a moderate ticket.
  • vain In recent weeks, Donald Trump has been making a stink about running in 2012, too. Thing is, he brings this up every presidential cycle.

22 Aug 2010 21:18


World: Wyclef decides that he’d rather be the obstacle than the roadbump

  • So, apparently, he isn’t going so quietly. And why the heck not? He put weeks of work into grabbing the zeitgeist’s attention, and he isn’t going to let a little thing like residency get in the way of that! “Tomorrow our lawyers are appealing the decision of the CEP,” Clef wrote on Twitter. “We have met all the requirements set by the laws. And the law must be respected.” Good luck, bro. source

19 Jan 2010 19:01


Politics: Americans think Sarah Palin should avoid public office, talking

  • 71% want Palin to not run for the presidency source

07 Sep 2009 11:13


Politics: Obama could make or break his presidency on health care

  • It goes without saying that a lot is riding now on his ability to re-energize the health care debate and bring it home to a successful conclusion. Nothing will influence the perception of the presidency more than whether he can be successful in getting a health care bill through the Congress.
  • Obama adviser John D. Podesta • On Obama’s need to win the health care debate. There’s a lot riding on it – if he loses this fight, it could irreparably damage his presidency. So, as he gets back to work from his vacation, watch closely – these next few weeks are critical for the president. • source

21 Jul 2009 10:07


U.S.: The Bush twins are keeping the secret service busy still

  • Despite their dad being out of office, the service is still on their backs. Having given the Secret Service “fits” during their dad’s presidency – Jenna, for example, running through red lights trying to lose the agents following her – you think they’d be glad to be rid of her. However, just before W. left office, he signed an executive order giving them coverage for an unspecified period of time. It’s not uncommon – Bill did it for Chelsea – but considering all the trouble Jenna and Barbara took to get rid of them, you’d think they’d want to be rid of the service. Guess not. source

29 Apr 2009 09:33


U.S.: 100 days: Love him or hate him, Obama gets stuff done


08 Mar 2009 20:41


U.S.: Obama’s budget dude: We’re avoiding the pork in the future

  • This is like your relief pitcher coming into the ninth inning and wanting to redo the whole game. Next year we’re going to be the starting pitcher, and the game’s going to be completely different.
  • Peter Orszag • Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, on the $410 billion omnibus spending bill that was laden with pork-barrel spending. Orszag says that the bill was well on its way when Obama went into office and the administration had no choice but to support it so the government could remain functioning. • source