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23 May 2011 16:09


Politics: 2012 Election: Will T-Paw finally put his name in the hat?

  • YES Tim Pawlenty is officially running for President source
  • » The least surprising item of the day: It’s not as if anybody really doubted that Tim Pawlenty would be running for President, as he’s made that rather abundantly obvious the last year or so (the title of his recent book, Courage To Stand, basically says all you need to know about his ambitions). However, the timing of this official announcement works to Pawlenty’s favor — it comes quickly after the GOP was set reeling by Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels’ decision not to run. Suddenly facing down a field with virtually no electable candidates, save the primary-vulnerable Mitt Romney, Pawlenty is in a prime place to gain ground, if he can get a little buzz going. A tip from us to T-Paw, though — you don’t have a southern accent, and it’s weird to try to pretend otherwise.

11 Apr 2011 16:40


Politics: Romney needs to bolster his South Carolina cred

  • You’ve got to be able to walk into a gas station, a restaurant, or a bar and be able to shake hands and communicate. It’s street level politics, if you will. He’s just very polished. He’s an individual that’s successful, but at the same time, I don’t know how much he wants to sit around and hang out.
  • South Carolina State Rep. Nathan Ballentine • Speaking about Mitt Romney’s electoral prospects in the Palmetto State, a matter now looking more imminent with Romney’s newly formed presidential exploratory committee. Romney got trounced in South Carolina last time around, finishing in fourth behind John McCain, Mike Huckabee, and “lazy like a fox” Fred Thompson. If his campaign chooses to cede South Carolina, and invests their resources elsewhere, they may be playing with fire; no Republican has lost the South Carolina primary and won the nomination since the first one, back n 1980. source

05 Aug 2010 20:39


U.S.: Get ready: Elena Kagan officially the new John Paul Stevens

  • 63 senators voted for Kagan; the rest got  screamed “NAY”
  • 111 the number of justices that have served the court; she’ll be lucky 112
  • 3 the number of women that have served; she’ll be the fourth source

16 May 2010 11:20


Politics: What the GOP wants from Elena Kagan: A tight interpretation

  • I think we’ll be looking at her testimony because she has so little other record, it’s going to be a big deal. It’s so important how she testifies.
  • Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions • Discussing why Elena Kagan’s upcoming testimony will be key in building a lot of opinions of her. Regarding what he’s looking for, he says Republicans would like to know “whether her philosophy of law is so broad in her interpretation of the Constitution that you are not faithful to the Constitution and laws.” This isn’t something to be taken lightly. The last nominee who didn’t have judicial experience, Bush-selected Harriet Meiers, was withdrawn due in part to lack of experience. Kagan has a better record than Meiers did, but the lack of judicial experience could be a deal-breaker for some if she doesn’t answer questions to their liking. source

18 Apr 2010 11:30


Politics: Bill Clinton: Me or Hillary on Supreme Court a bad idea

  • Because I’m already 63-years-old, I hope I live to be 90. I hope I’m just as healthy as Justice Stevens is. But it’s not predictable. I’d like to see him put someone in there, late 40s, early 50s, on the court and someone with a lot of energy for the job.
  • Former President Bill Clinton • Regarding the possibility of his becoming Supreme Court justice. He says that, while he’d enjoy the job, it’d be better to choose someone younger. He also discounts the possibility of Hillary’s nomination. “She’s like me, you know, we’re kind of doers. We like being out there and doing things, rowing our own boat and making changes we could see happen.” So that’s that. Clinton recommends putting someone on the court who hasn’t been a judge before, who knows the impact of their decisions. source

28 Jul 2009 13:11


U.S.: Senate panel Democrats give Sotomayor 13 big thumbs up

  • 13 votes endorsing the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Sotomayor, 12 from Democrats source

18 Feb 2009 21:22


Culture: Mickey Rourke doesn’t even have his dog anymore

  • His adored Chihuahua died! On Oscar Week! When Rourke won his Golden Globe, he thanked his dogs. “Sometimes, when a man is alone, that’s all you got is your dog,” he said “And they’ve meant the world to me.” Well, the star of “The Wrestler” is gonna be tested – hardcore – later this week, as he faces the Oscars, where he’s nominated for best actor, without his all-important dog. No word on whether his truck broke down or his wife left him. source

25 Jan 2009 22:36


Culture: Big boosts for top Oscar contenders at the box office

  • 80% increase in Slumdog Millionaire’s box office this weekend. It’s currently the No. 5 movie, and has grossed $55.9 million since it opened source

22 Jan 2009 11:05


Culture: Oscar justice: Downey got a nom for “Tropic Thunder!”

Forget Heath Ledger. Robert Downey Jr. is the male supporting actor to beat. source