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01 Oct 2011 11:27


World: Amanda Knox trial: A farce no matter what happens Monday

  • Where does the victim fall into this whole mess? With a verdict in the Amanda Knox trial coming on Monday, we’d like to express our frustration with this case. The entire case — on both sides — seems more obsessed with creating attention for itself, rather than finding any true sense of justice for the victim, Meredith Kercher. With prosecutors seemingly obsessed with ratcheting up the heat on Knox (they asked that she and suspect Raffaele Sollecito receive life sentences, despite the fact their sentences were far less than that the first time around), rather than focused on the facts of the case, it’s likely justice has not been served. Even Knox’s own family has had to put up a giant PR campaign around her, which almost feels like necessity given the insane press coverage around the case. The media coverage feels particularly weird and invasive. The result? Whatever happens Monday will not be justice — it’ll be a bastardization of the word. source

23 May 2010 22:12


World: Party leader on Ethiopia’s election: “The whole thing is a farce”

Apparently the government threatened to withhold food aid from those who voted for the opposition. (Oh yeah, the guy in the center is wearing a John Deere hat.) source

22 Jan 2009 11:05


Culture: Oscar justice: Downey got a nom for “Tropic Thunder!”

Forget Heath Ledger. Robert Downey Jr. is the male supporting actor to beat. source