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16 Apr 2011 11:34


U.S.: Scary report: Many meats have high levels of drug-resistant bacteria

The Translational Genomics Research Institute notes that while the meat is safe to eat, consumers should take care in handling and cooking it. Still though, yikes. source

18 May 2010 10:52


Tech: Yikes: Laptop batteries’ quick charging can cause fires

  • So, why do laptop batteries do this? Cambridge University scientists say the need for quick charging creates “dendrites,” metal fibers that can cause short circuits and, in turn, fires like this one. After watching this video (did you guys see that fireball?), we’re going to hold our laptop tight when we go to bed with it tonight. source

14 Dec 2009 21:24


U.S.: Bad kind of irony: The thing that detects your cancer might cause it

Apparently, a single CT scan – often used to detect cancer in some people – can cause cancer in some people. Get your tinfoil hats on. source

01 Dec 2009 22:23


Biz: Dear Google: Don’t bend to newspaper publishers so easily. It’s not cool.

  • First Click Free = Massive Fail. OK, we get it guys. Rupert Murdoch complains really loudly and he’s starting to scare you into believing other publishers might be next. But why are you putting your tail between your legs and creating technology designed to limit how much people can read without registration or subscription? Rupert Murdoch’s complaining doesn’t scare us. “First Click Free,” however, totally does. The very idea goes against everything your company stands for. Retreat, Google, retreat. source

10 Nov 2009 09:55


U.S.: The scariest drunk-girl-nearly-hit-by-train video we’ll post today

  • This hair-raising video should teach you a lesson – when you’re drunk and about to get on the train, stay far away from the yellow line. The woman involved nearly got hit by a train in Boston after falling on the tracks almost immediately before the train came by. The train stopped within an inch of her life. Thank God.source

07 Oct 2009 11:09


World: The Saudi sex bragger got sentenced, and he’s gonna be sore later

  • 1,000 lashes and 5 years in prison; OUCH source

18 Sep 2009 18:45


Politics: Tee time: Did Roy Blunt, R-MO, just compare Obama to a monkey?

The Republican congressman’s words: “You have to play the ball where the monkey throws it. And that is the rule in Washington all the time.” Oof. source

13 Sep 2009 22:52


U.S.: The Yale grad student story – slowly getting more disturbing

  • Annie Le, a Yale grad student who was supposed be getting married this weekend, went missing after going into a school building. source
  • Bloody clothes were found in the ceiling, and other details came out, including an abruptly-canceled class Le was to be attending Tuesday. source
  • On the day of her wedding, a body was found inside a wall in the building. Investigators say it’s probably her. source

09 Sep 2009 23:21


U.S.: Near the finish line: These cats strike fear in our hearts

  • Meet the uber-evil kitty Kitty, owned by friend of the site David Putney, is perhaps the scariest, most violent cat you’ll ever meet. According to Putney, she was getting agitated because we took so long to actually get her up. Hopefully she won’t claw our faces now.

    Kitty, a David Putney production
  • Meet the uber-evil kitty Kitty, owned by friend of the site David Putney, is perhaps the scariest, most violent cat you’ll ever meet. According to Putney, she was getting agitated because we took so long to actually get her up. Hopefully she won’t claw our faces now.

    Kitty, a David Putney production
  • Meet Buster, a.k.a. Mr. Yawny Lucas McCallister sent us this wonderful photo of a cat yawning which somehow makes us never want to be near a yawning cat ever again. Look at those freaking teeth! They could bite off a finger – or kill an unsuspecting mouse or two!

    Buster yawning. Scary.

03 Sep 2009 11:05


U.S.: Flash mobs can be used for violence as well as internet memes

  • Just ask victim Thomas Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald was one of many recent victims in a rash of “flash mob” incidents in Philly. But instead of doing fun stuff, like giant pillow fights, these mobs are violent. Cars have been smashed in. People have been beaten. Stores have been robbed. Police have been forced to step up their game in the wake of the incidents, which sound like nightmares to law-abiding citizens. Three have been arrested so far, but more than 100 have taken part in the incidents. source