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09 Apr 2010 20:20


World: Live explosive pulled out of dude’s head very, very carefully

Only two people were in the room with the Afghan soldier that had this live explosive removed from his scalp. Everyone else was evacuated in case it blew up. source

08 Feb 2010 21:56


U.S.: Father of the year: Soldier accused of waterboarding young daughter

  • The daughter wouldn’t recite her ABCs. Joshua Tabor, of Tacoma, Wash. was arrested Jan. 31 for the incident. Knowing that the 4-year-old was afraid of water, he threatened her using the technique more traditionally – and controversially – used on terror suspects. Tabor was angry because he feels she’s mentally behind her age; investigators noted that she seemed normal. So yeah. Scary. source

17 Nov 2009 10:57


Offbeat: Cat people and dog people: Read this post. OK?

  • For cat people Remember ninja cat? Well, this is just like it, and it’s begging you to watch. So watch.

  • For cat people Remember ninja cat? Well, this is just like it, and it’s begging you to watch. So watch.

  • For dog people This dog freaks the )&@) out after its owner, a soldier, returns home. It’s heartwarming.

17 Sep 2009 00:26


Offbeat: Laugh, then cry: Honoring a fallen soldier buddy … by crossdressing

It’s a silly pact between buddies you never think will actually happen. Until it does. That’s why Barry Delaney wore a dress to Afghan soldier Kevin Elliott’s funeral. source

14 Jul 2009 20:46


U.S.: How to avoid active duty: Claim Obama isn’t a U.S. citizen

  • Yeah, that’s gonna work. U.S. Army Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook is trying to avoid getting sent to Afghanistan by questioning the legitimacy of whether President Barack Obama can send him using the F(&(^((# B(#&S#(^ claims that Barack Obama isn’t a U.S. citizen and therefore shouldn’t be president. His lawyer, Orly Taitz, has a history of bringing these kind of cases to court. O RLY? source

21 May 2009 23:48


Offbeat, U.S., World: And now, the lighter side of the war on terror: Pink boxers

  • Any soldier who goes into battle against the Taliban in pink boxers and flip-flops has a special kind of courage.
  • Defense Secretary Robert Gates • On a soldier who leapt to his post in Afghanistan wearing pink boxers, leading to a hilariously awesome photo of our boys unashamed to fight in any condition. Normally, we’d be wary of putting this post next to a post like the previous one. But we admit it. The quote is just too awesome. • source

03 Mar 2009 09:51


U.S.: Army: Oh, I know! Let’s recall the female soldier with the kids!

  • She finally got her discharge. Finally. 27-year-old Lisa Pagan of Davidson, North Carolina, was out of the military for a good few years and had started a family when she was recalled. Her husband has a full-time job, so he can’t take care of the kids. But she showed up at Fort Benning, Ga. – with her kids – on Monday, at which point, someone with a brain finally gave her that discharge she wanted. Oh boy. source