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08 Jun 2011 17:46


Politics: Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner’s wife, is pregnant

  • Okay, so this is pretty awkward timing, for obvious reasons. Knowing nothing of the private lives of these two (besides those things that both we and Anthony Weiner might rather he’d kept to himself), it’s probably safe to say that a major political and sexual scandal wasn’t their dream backdrop for ushering in this news. We’d be remiss not to say, though, what would be expected in most cases but may get drowned out due to the mess of “Weinergate” — congratulations to Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner on expecting their first child together. source

08 Feb 2010 21:56


U.S.: Father of the year: Soldier accused of waterboarding young daughter

  • The daughter wouldn’t recite her ABCs. Joshua Tabor, of Tacoma, Wash. was arrested Jan. 31 for the incident. Knowing that the 4-year-old was afraid of water, he threatened her using the technique more traditionally – and controversially – used on terror suspects. Tabor was angry because he feels she’s mentally behind her age; investigators noted that she seemed normal. So yeah. Scary. source

07 Feb 2010 09:18


World: Jacob Zuma’s sorry about breaking his polygamist marriage vows

  • I deeply regret the pain that I have caused to my family, the ANC, the Alliance and South Africans in general. The matter, though private, has … put a lot of pressure on my family and my organization, the African National Congress.
  • South African President Jacob Zuma • Regarding the revelation that, despite his status as a polygamist, he managed to have a child with a woman who is not his wife. He has three wives and 19 children, and while the practice is legal in the country (and common among Zulus like Zuma), it’s also pretty controversial and provides critics of Zuma with an easy target. It also makes the John Edwards thing look tame. source

26 Nov 2009 10:47


Tech: Milan prosecutors are thankful for making Google a scapegoat

  • bad A bunch of jerk kids made fun of a handicapped teen, then posted a clip of it on Google Video. The video became popular, then was removed.
  • worse Italian prosecutors are seeking prison sentences of between six months to 1 year for Google executives – because, clearly, they heckled the kid in the video. source

07 Sep 2009 11:42


U.S.: Hiding behind Grandma’s wall: A grandson, missing for two years

  • He was the subject of a custody battle. Six-year-old Richard Chekevdia was hidden in a small room in his grandmother’s house for nearly two years after his mother temporarily lost custody of the boy. Shannon Wilfong was charged with kidnapping him, but authorities couldn’t find the Benton, Illinois resident. Both Wilfong and her mother were arrested, and the boy is happy to go outside again. source

14 Aug 2009 10:28


U.S.: Forget puberty. Damon Weaver proves even kids can interview Obama

  • 11 you must be this old to grill President Obama on TV source

30 Jul 2009 11:23


Politics: Wired editor Chris Anderson: Total prick in interviews.

  • Sorry, I don’t use the word media. I don’t use the word news. I don’t think that those words mean anything anymore. They defined publishing in the 20th century. Today, they are a barrier. They are standing in our way, like ‘horseless carriage.’
  • Chris Anderson • Talking to a German Magazine, Spiegel, about his new book, “Free,” which makes this broad argument that information isn’t of value anymore and that everything should be free. Anderson claims not to read traditional media sources anymore and starts out the interview with this gem of a quote: “This is going to be a very annoying interview. I don’t use the word journalism.” Then he goes further, suggesting journalism – and media in general – will be a hobby. Dude, just because you’re a genius and came up with that Long Tail theory doesn’t mean you should act like a child. • source

30 Jun 2009 11:13


World: Miracle in the Yemen plane crash: A child recovered, alive

  • Most of the other victims haven’t been found yet. Unlike the Air France crash in the Atlantic Ocean, where there was no hope of survivors, Yemenia Airways Flight 626, which crashed in the Indian Ocean, has at least one survivor. Five other bodies have been found so far. The plane the passengers were riding in, the Airbus A310-300, had a number of faults when it was inspected in 2007 in France, but hadn’t been checked since. Fingers crossed that they find more victims alive. source

17 Jun 2009 09:39


Offbeat: 1955: This kid went missing. 2009: Uh, found, possibly!

  • 54 years later, Steven Damman comes forward. Back in 1955, this kid was at a Long Island bakery with his parents. Then he disappeared. Now, nearly 55 years after his case left the spotlight, a Michigan man purporting to be Steven Damman has revealed himself. Uh, wow. That’s random. His possible dad, Jerry, said about the finding: “You never give up hope, [but] things dim after all those years.” source

12 Jun 2009 15:12


Culture, World: Madonna finally gets her matching Malawian adopted child

  • A couple months ago, Malawi blocked Madonna from the opportunity to adopt a second child from Malawi, saying she shouldn’t have gotten the first kid, David Banda. source
  • But a higher court today allowed Madonna to have Mercy, saying the first court didn’t take into account the fact that she REALLY cares about (adopting) Malawian children. source