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23 Apr 2009 22:38


Tech: Apple finally topples the mysterious 1 billion iPhone app mark

Good news, guys! When we hit our 1 billionth post, we’re going to give you a free laptop. It might be a while, though. source

19 Apr 2009 09:46


Culture: Susan Boyle, the unlikely British singer, is the viral video queen

16 Apr 2009 09:00


Biz, U.S.: Mall owner General Growth goes through general collapse

  • $27 billion in debt – a record real estate bankruptcy. o_O source

06 Apr 2009 09:37


Culture: Proof the American movie-going public has no freakin’ taste

  • $72.5 million this weekend for “Fast & Furious.” Really?! source

25 Mar 2009 22:52


Tech: Wii feat: Nintendo is king of the mountain. No pushing them off.

  • 50 million sales of the Nintendo Wii, an all-time home video game console sales record, topping the Playstation 2 source

11 Feb 2009 21:58


Offbeat, U.S.: This congressman has been in office for-freakin’-ever

  • 53 years and two months for elderly Rep. John Dingell, D-MI source

06 Feb 2009 09:03


Sports: How notable is Pat Summit’s college coaching feat?

  • She’s better than everyone, even the guys. Summit, Tennessee’s longtime coach, is the first person – male or female – to hit 1,000 wins in coaching college basketball. The next closest is Bob Knight, who got to 900 wins in more time (and by throwing more chairs) than it took Summit. It’s a fact not lost on her. “Wow,” Summit said after winning. “This may be a little hard for me.” source

06 Feb 2009 08:57


Sports: A women’s basketball coach hits a major milestone

  • 1,000 career wins for Tenn.’s Pat Summit source

01 Feb 2009 11:40


Biz, Culture: NBC’s not feeling the recession when it comes to football

  • $206 million in ad sales for the Super Bowl, a record source

17 Jan 2009 09:43


Music, U.S., World: Bush’s peak and nadir with the public

  • 90% Bush’s approval rating right after Sept. 11, 2001 – a record, by the way