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27 Apr 2010 23:46


Music: John Mayer clarifies thoughts on Twitter, says you should use Tumblr

  • This is where Tumblr comes in. It’s the future of social networking if your image of the future features intelligent discourse. I love reading other Tumblr users replies, because they’re thoughtful by virtue of the fact that if they’re not, they’ll bring the intellectual property value of their own blog down, and that’s a commodity on Tumblr.
  • John Mayer • Discussing why he thinks Twitter is over for him and why Tumblr is where it’s at. Basically, his argument is that Tumblr is a fresh, growing place, whereas Twitter isn’t anymore. He also notes that there’s a heavy stranger factor with Twitter, which makes it a less fun place to be. (Probably because, well, he’s famous.) “Finding out in 140 characters what a stranger has to say about you is like a mathematical equation without an established value of ‘x’,” he writes on his Tumblr. Dude just gave the microblogging site a huge PR boost that they better jump on quick. By the way, our last post about this got Tumbled by a John Mayer-inspired Tumblr account, and we hope two John Mayer-inspired Tumblr accounts do the same with this one. source

26 Sep 2009 11:16


Music: Brilliant! UK tunesmith Dan Bull takes Lily Allen to task

  • Lilly Allen recently threatened to give up music on an anti-piracy blog she created. Then she took the blog down. As Allen made her name on file-sharing, that statement sounded hypocritical to some. Now Dan Bull, a UK musician with a similar style to that of Allen, has a video for a song which criticizes the star for just that.source

07 Aug 2009 11:19


Music: Expect mumbling: Bob Dylan is releasing a Christmas album

  • He’s Bob Dylan. He can do whatever he wants. The greatest folksinger that ever lived is currently holed up in Jackson Browne’s recording studio putting together what’s sure to be the most bizarre Christmas album ever. Four songs are already done: “Must Be Santa,” “Here Comes Santa Claus,” “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” and “O Little Town of Bethlehem.” Now … not that we don’t think this news is awesome (we do), but who would’ve expected this from Bob Dylan? Definitely not us. source

04 Aug 2009 21:48


Music: Transgendered musician Antony worked hard for his fame

  • I know that sounds ridiculous, but I have to keep that garden alive. I see myself as a microcosm – that’s the word – as one example of humanity and of the brokenness of humanity. I’m interested in exploring that on a very personal level in that it might be useful for my own attempt to evolve.
  • Antony Hegarty, the transgendered mastermind of Antony and the Johnsons • Discussing what he feels he does with his music. As you might imagine from a large-framed transgendered man with a voice akin to Nina Simone, he has an interesting life story, most of it taking place in New York. But a few lucky shakes, particularly from Lou Reed and Devendra Banhart, gave Antony eventual breakout success. Recently, his subject matter has turned from gender identity to pure optimism, optimism which peppers his most recent album, “The Crying Light.” This Pitchfork feature on the singer is a pretty killer read. • source

03 Jun 2009 20:37


Music: Sad news, blues fans: The queen, Koko Taylor, is dead

  • She died of complications from surgery. She leaves a legacy. Taylor may be the most notable female postwar blues figure, as well as a Chicago icon. While she didn’t actually play an instrument, her booming voice is a super killer instrument that commands your attention. Her most well-known song, 1965’s “Wang Dang Doodle,” sold a million copies and went to #4 on the R&B charts. Over forty years after that high point, she’s remained a massive influence on both mainstream rock and traditional blues. source

01 Jun 2009 09:05


Culture: See what you did, guys? Now Susan Boyle’s all exhausted.

  • She is getting away from everyone. She’s receiving the best care possible. She needs time to sleep and eat and do the things that she found rather difficult last week.
  • Piers Morgan • A “Britain’s Got Talent” judge and a huge supporter of Susan Boyle, on her need to take a break. The weeks of tabloid pressure due to her status as unexpected superstar singer had finally gotten to Boyle, who apparently cracked and is in the hospital for exhaustion. We’re responsible for making her this big, guys. This is why we can’t have nice things! • source

30 May 2009 17:50


Culture: Dear U.K. citizens, you have no taste. Sincerely, Susan Boyle fans.

  • Second? WTF guys? Seriously? How? The public voted, and somehow, some way, the lady who seemed like a shoo-in to win “Britain’s Got Talent” fell to second, behind “Diversity,” a dance troupe who isn’t Susan Boyle. We call bull$*#^. By losing, Boyle lost a chance to sing for the Queen of England. It’s kind of terrible we have to say this about an entire country, but: Screw you all. There goes our chance at moving into diplomacy. source

28 May 2009 10:45


Culture, Music: Chris Brown finally speaks out, defends himself via web video

  • Everybody that’s haters, they just been haters. All my real fans, I love you all. I ain’t a monster.
  • Chris Brown • Who’s been quite mum about the whole him-beating-up-Rihanna case up until this point, but gave YouTube the scoop by finally posting a video giving everyone an update on what he’s been doing lately. Which, as you might guess, is recording an album. • source

24 Apr 2009 23:41


Culture: Simon Cowell to Susan Boyle: Stop getting distracted, lady

  • Get yourself together sweetheart for the big one — the semi-final. Shut the door, choose the right song and come back as who you are, not who you want to be.
  • Simon Cowell • In an interview with reporters in Los Angeles. Cowell said he’s fed up with all the stories on Boyle and wants her to focus on the “Britain’s Got Talent” competition. Boyle’s video is still uber-popular on Youtube, by the way. • source

19 Apr 2009 09:46


Culture: Susan Boyle, the unlikely British singer, is the viral video queen