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16 Jun 2009 12:22


Tech: Opera’s world-changing thing, Unite, might actually change the world

Much credit to Opera: Unite actually sounds like a brilliant idea and might get them elusive market share. source

12 May 2009 08:36


Biz, Tech: This Times Wire is a real live wire of new NYT content

Rather than attempting to look like a newspaper, The New York Times’ new format strikes halfway between Google News and an RSS feed. source

08 Apr 2009 21:11


Tech: The guy behind much of EA’s bottom-line, Will Wright, is leaving.

  • But he’ll still be working with them, he says. Wright, the crazy detail-oriented maniac behind such classics as SimCity, The Sims, and Spore, will be leaving to start a new game firm called Stupid Fun Club, which will try to think up new forms of innovative entertainment. Electronic Arts is backing the move both diplomatically and financially. They better; Wright is the guy behind some of their best games. source

24 Mar 2009 23:33


Tech: Seriously, this OnLive video game console sounds awesome

  • The powerful subscription-based device uses cloud computing. It’s slightly larger than an iPhone. And way tinier than a breadbox. source

24 Mar 2009 23:12


Tech: Some creepy-looking guys want to sell you a new game console

They want to sell your kids candy. Candy in the form of a new cloud computing gaming device called OnLive. Hrm. source

22 Mar 2009 23:59


Biz: Yesterday, we tried to come up with innovative ad models.

Revenue 2.0 rocked. Here’s our attempt at an improved version of Craigslist for newspapers. Tell us what you think. source

06 Mar 2009 16:28


Tech: “I think” Twistori is a pretty cool idea

See that? Content filters! Simple design! Fun concept! Take that, Twitter haters! source

27 Jan 2009 18:25


Biz, Tech: To our friends at The Printed Blog: Congrats, guys!

They actually got a first issue out the door. And it looks pretty neat. Best of luck! source

02 Jan 2009 13:24


Offbeat, Tech: It’s a hit because it’s not a hit. Follow?

This Volvo concept car has technology designed to avoid crashes. Neat. source