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09 Mar 2011 23:32


Tech: Zite: A Fluent News Reeder that Flipboards our Pulse like Instapaper

  • We admit it. We’ll probably download this app and really like it. Hopefully we’ll like it and stick with it like Pulse, instead of ignoring it after a week like Flipboard. This app (called Zite) is really cool, because it works like Pandora for your reading preferences. As you keep clicking, it gets smarter, to the point where it knows everything about you. Including your extreme favoritism of funny robbery stories and Charlie Sheen news. Yeah, you. source

26 Feb 2011 23:33


Tech: What happens when a student resume goes viral? Well, this.

  • We apparently need to try harder: This guy‘s resume got posted on the Huffington Post and went viral. It was even worthy of a follow-up. Which is a cool way to get attention for your job prospects. That said, though, we think that an approach like this is only useful if it has a corresponding traditional element. Conversely, though, gimmicks are how you stand out. A lot of people have noted that it’s been done, but who cares? It caught people’s attention and encourages people to look who otherwise wouldn’t have. (Though, a criticism – that box on the bottom with the circles is totally subjective and as a result doesn’t really say anything that can be quantified.) source

08 Oct 2010 12:57


Tech: Associated Press creates HTML5 timeline app that doesn’t suck

  • Yo, AP, you should consider replacing your laughable child-like iPad app with this thing, because it’s actually kind of innovative and stuff. And it uses HTML5. Basically, this is the coolest thing the AP has ever done. source

31 May 2010 21:57


Tech: WHOA: Pulse is officially the coolest iPad news-reader, ever

  • We want to have babies with this RSS reader. OK, maybe not babies, but definitely some sort of spawn. Our statistics meet your cool little boxes in a dark room somewhere, and things might happen. After all, you’re my wonderwall. (Thanks TechCrunch for the tip. This $3.99 pile of awesome, created by a bunch of recent Stanford grads, is totally worth it.) source

19 May 2010 12:20


Tech: Google finally understands what to do with Wave

  • 2009 Google launches this crazy product called Wave at their I/O conference. It rides a huge wave of hype (and invites). Then it causes a huge backlash.
  • 2010 The main developer, Lars Rasmussen, says they finally understand what it’s for. “It’s about groups of people adopting Wave,” he says. Oh. source

13 May 2010 10:12


Politics: Eric Cantor’s YouCut program: If nothing else, innovative

  • It feels like a Republican take on an Obama campaign tactic. The House Minority Whip has made the YouCut program a participatory way of getting involved in an activity everyone loves: Cutting wasteful spending in the federal government. Concerned citizens vote by text message, and the winner gets put up for a vote in the House. The top line item? Cutting the Presidential Election Fund, which John McCain took advantage of in 2008 but Obama didn’t. source

07 Mar 2010 12:18


U.S.: D.C. takes a groundbreaking step in the fight against HIV

  • 500,000 free female condoms source

15 Jan 2010 08:01


World: The Red Cross mobilizing donations for Haiti better than ever

  • $35
    has been donated to the Red Cross since the earthquake struck Tuesday; that’s better than Katrina and the 2004 tsunami
  • $5
    in donations have come from text messages from mobile phones – which is easily a record and a genius way to donate source

13 Jan 2010 23:33


World: Awesome people text the Red Cross to help Haiti, hit milestone

  • $1+ million in donations from texts alone (whoa!) source

10 Dec 2009 23:24


Offbeat: Japanese Jigazo puzzle > American Jigsaw puzzle in every way

Who needs a stupid jumble of blocks that turn into a flower when you could potentially make this puzzle look like anything? Dear Tenyo: Ship us one. We’ll review it. source