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09 Mar 2011 23:32


Tech: Zite: A Fluent News Reeder that Flipboards our Pulse like Instapaper

  • We admit it. We’ll probably download this app and really like it. Hopefully we’ll like it and stick with it like Pulse, instead of ignoring it after a week like Flipboard. This app (called Zite) is really cool, because it works like Pandora for your reading preferences. As you keep clicking, it gets smarter, to the point where it knows everything about you. Including your extreme favoritism of funny robbery stories and Charlie Sheen news. Yeah, you. source

09 Dec 2010 22:07


Tech: AOL’s “You’ve Got News”: The reason you should switch to Chrome

  • In case you’re wondering what the coolest app on the Chrome Web Store is, it’s AOL’s semi-belated entry into the tablet-esque news reader app market. You’ve Got News, a riff on their legacy branding, has a really slick feel and reminds you exactly how much content AOL has on its many news sites. Why isn’t this on the iPad yet, guys? It’s amazing. source