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17 Jun 2010 11:12


Tech: YouTube adds video-editing, the final piece of its viral puzzle

  • The worst part of uploading video to YouTube wasn’t the uploading itself, but the editing. It took time to edit and forced you to use a separate interface and separate program. Cloud-friendly Google couldn’t just let this happen, right? So, now, they’ve finally added video-editing to the site, making it significantly more useful for regular users who want to take their Flip or iPhone 4 videos and throw them on the Web quickly. source

11 Jun 2010 10:37


Tech: Experts say we’ll be doing our computing in the cloud by 2020

  • 71%
    think we’ll be working on computers in the cloud
  • 27% think we’ll still be using PCs for most of everything we do
  • 2% think we’ll be using Amigas or running BeOS for some reason source

18 May 2010 10:06


Tech: Hotmail’s got some big plans for its next redesign, guys

  • Hotmail is nearly 15 years old. If that number makes you feel old, just think how it makes Microsoft’s free e-mail service feel. So, Microsoft is giving the service a reboot in an attempt to outdo Gmail’s features and become even more dominant. The redesign hits this summer. source

03 Apr 2010 15:34


Tech: Dear HootSuite: Where did you jerks go? Your app is broken.

  • We’re not geniuses, but it’s unacceptable when a Twitter app that many corporations and users (including us) rely on is down for twelve hours. HootSuite appears to have been down since last night. Our question: Hacking spree? Bots? Long weekend? Fire at headquarters? We deserve an explanation, guys. source
  • Update: App’s up again, but our complaints are still valid. It’s just bad form for a Twitter client to be offline for that many hours.

13 Oct 2009 09:19


Tech: Here’s how much T-Mobile plans to compensate Sidekick users

  • $100 size of the gift card T-Mobile is giving customers who lost their data, good for any T-Mobile product or service source

12 Oct 2009 20:17


Tech: Don’t shut it off! T-Mobile’s massive Sidekick nightmare

The Sidekick problem is so bad that T-Mobile isn’t currently selling them. Oh, and they have 800,000 pissed-off customers. source

10 Oct 2009 18:30


Tech: T-Mobile’s massive bag of FAIL: Sidekick user data is GONE.

  • T-Mobile’s Sidekick data network was down all last weekend into this week. That issue still isn’t resolved as we write this. Twitter users spent much of the last week (loudly) grumbling about this fact, killing T-Mobile’s rep online. source
  • Now, a much worse issue: Everyone who owned a Sidekick? Your user data is GONE. Kaput. Microsoft Danger relied on cloud hosting to serve data, and didn’t back up any of it. And the cloud went poof. Ouch. Bad move. source

24 Mar 2009 23:12


Tech: Some creepy-looking guys want to sell you a new game console

They want to sell your kids candy. Candy in the form of a new cloud computing gaming device called OnLive. Hrm. source