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17 Jun 2010 11:12


Tech: YouTube adds video-editing, the final piece of its viral puzzle

  • The worst part of uploading video to YouTube wasn’t the uploading itself, but the editing. It took time to edit and forced you to use a separate interface and separate program. Cloud-friendly Google couldn’t just let this happen, right? So, now, they’ve finally added video-editing to the site, making it significantly more useful for regular users who want to take their Flip or iPhone 4 videos and throw them on the Web quickly. source

10 Aug 2009 21:51


Tech: More Facebook news: Their search is just like Twitter’s now

The new, expanded Facebook search makes a lot of sense for the service, but it lacks the trending topics lynchpin that makes Twitter so awesome. source

26 Jun 2009 13:22


Offbeat: The Onion tweaks Twitter’s usefulness pitch-perfectly

  • Twitter was intended to be a way for vacant, self-absorbed egotists to share their most banal and idiotic thoughts with anyone pathetic enough to read them.
  • “Twitter Creator Jack Dorsey” • In an Onion article satirizing the service, where “Dorsey” says he’s surprised anyone – especially those in Iran – managed to find Twitter useful. Yeah, we’re surprised too, which is why we use it all the time. • source