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06 Feb 2012 14:20


Politics: The Onion’s response to the Congressman who mistook one of its articles for the real thing

  • We’re delighted to hear that Rep. Fleming is a regular reader of America’s Finest News Source and doesn’t bother himself with The New York Times, Washington Post, the mediums of television and radio, or any other lesser journalism outlets.
  • The Onion editor Joe Randazzo • In response to the Republican Congressman who mistook an Onion article for the real thing. source

05 Nov 2011 15:44


Offbeat: The Onion’s parenting joke flies over the heads of some real parents

  • I’m totally aware that it’s satire. But it’s spreading through the Internet and people’s blogs and where it’s coming from is getting left off and it’s looking like a news story.
  • Robin Bowen of the California Parenting Institute • Discussing how an Onion story, “Study Finds Every Style of Parenting Produces Disturbed, Miserable Adults,” has created a hilarious side effect where many people think the story is true, and are sharing it without attribution. It got so bad that the institute had to put out a press release denying the story. “The falsified study quoted in The Onion states that all parenting styles lead to the same outcome–unhappy, miserable adults,” the release said. “We have been around a long time because we know that parent education does work.” This isn’t the first time an Onion joke has gone over poorly, and it won’t be the last, but at least this time, it’s relatively innocuous. source

20 Jul 2010 14:55


Politics: When The Onion plays it subtle, Tea Partiers get fooled

  • You’d think that the Onion logo on this years-old video would hint to people that this is actually a satire. Or the fact that keeps repeating the word “classified.” Or the fact that he’s clearly talking about flesh-eating zombies. But no. In fact, this clip has been repeatedly posted on Facebook as if it’s actually real and confirming the Modern Tea Party’s greatest nightmare. Too subtle?

08 Apr 2010 12:10


Culture: Justin “Mac” Long: Apple could be ready to quit “I’m a Mac”

  • You know, I think they might be done. In fact, I heard from John, I think they’re going to move on. I can’t say definitively, which is sad, because not only am I going to miss doing them, but also working with John.
  • Justin “I’m a Mac” Long • In an interview with The Onion A.V. Club, where he notes the popular Mac vs. PC ads he does with John Hodgman might be kaput. This would be really sad, because the ads are some of the industry’s best and most consistently clever. The rest of the article is fairly compelling beyond that bombshell, including Long discussing his various voice-acting roles. Apparently he knows how to do a ’90s stoner voice really well. source

19 Feb 2010 11:50


Culture: The Onion, again, nails it: “Tiger Woods Announces Return To Sex”

  • Not being able to get out there and have sex has really been tough on me. I’ve missed it. I love #(&#(@! with all my heart.
  • “Tiger Woods” • In an alternate version of the statement as imagined by The Onion. The article, which is beyond dirty, describes dirty acts using golf terminology. Best part? The quote: “‘I’m so glad Tiger is coming back,’ said 27-year-old Florida resident and cocktail waitress Brandi Hughes. ‘He’s the best.'” source

13 Oct 2009 21:33


Offbeat: The Onion skewers anti-gay Christian conservatives (hilariously)

  • It’s a simple matter of logic, really. God made me who I am, and who I am is a cold, anti-gay zealot. Thus, I abhor gay people because God made me that way. Why is that so hard to understand?
  • Onion columnist Jane Kendricks • Explaining why she hates gay people in an article titled “If God Had Wanted Me To Be Accepting Of Gays, He Would Have Given Me The Warmth And Compassion To Do So.” It’s not her, it’s God. It’s news, it’s The Onion. And “not news” is doing good business right now, based on this article. • source

04 Sep 2009 13:11


Offbeat: Conspiracy theorist convinces newspaper The Onion’s story was real

  • We thought it was true so we printed it without checking. … We didn’t know the Onion was not a real news site.
  • The Daily Manab Zamin associate editor Hasanuzzuman Khan • Describing the thought process that led to his Bangladesh-based paper printing the false-on-its-face story “Conspiracy Theorist Convinces Neil Armstrong Moon Landing Was Faked,” which the Onion put online earlier this week. Total feather-in-cap situation for The Onion, we’re sure. • source

29 Jul 2009 10:35


Offbeat, Tech: The Onion: Apple invents a iPhone visible only to the loyal

  • Not only is this our lightest and slimmest model ever, but as any truly savvy Apple customer can clearly see, it’s also the most handsome product we’ve ever designed.
  • Apple CEO Steve Jobs • In an Onion parody, talking about the company’s new iPhone 3GI, which is invisible to everyone except Apple’s most loyal customers. This article came out right around the time of the invention of transparent aluminum, so you laugh now, but just wait a few years until it’s real! • source

26 Jun 2009 13:22


Offbeat: The Onion tweaks Twitter’s usefulness pitch-perfectly

  • Twitter was intended to be a way for vacant, self-absorbed egotists to share their most banal and idiotic thoughts with anyone pathetic enough to read them.
  • “Twitter Creator Jack Dorsey” • In an Onion article satirizing the service, where “Dorsey” says he’s surprised anyone – especially those in Iran – managed to find Twitter useful. Yeah, we’re surprised too, which is why we use it all the time. • source

05 May 2009 22:22


Culture: The Onion takes on Trekkies and pretty much nails it

  • The very things that will make this J.J. Abrams reboot of “Star Trek” a huge success will make it loathed by fans. You heard it here first.source