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21 Apr 2011 13:53


Politics: Former NM Governor Gary Johnson will run for President

  • Gary Johnson saddles up: The former New Mexico governor made it official today — he’ll be running for the GOP nomination in 2012. Johnson’s cut from a libertarian cloth, but has the sort of ideological tether to that philosophy that may make some traditional, establishment Republicans antsy; Johnson is in favor of legalizing marijuana, for example, and contradicts the party’s usual hard-line stance on Mexican border security and fence-building (a pitch which prompted CPAC to awkwardly “play him off” the stage). Given his stance on legalizin’ it, though, we wish he’d gone full-bore and announced his candidacy yesterday. source

03 Sep 2010 23:12


Offbeat: Catstravaganza is coming back! Here’s what you need to know.

  • It’s that time again. After some soul-searching and a little talking over cat food, we’ve decided to bring back Catstravaganza, our popular cat feature last year. We’re teaming up with our good friends at Cavalcade of Schlock this year in ensuring total cat saturation. We’ll be bringing you tons of cat photos and cat-related news, and Micah and company will be bringing you lots of cat movie reviews. It’s win-win. (Are you a blogger who wants to saturate your site with cats next Thursday? Bug us. We’d love another sponsor.) Anyway, we want your cats. Here’s what you need to do to submit us cat photos:
  • oneTweet them to us! Send us your cat photos via Twitpic or Yfrog. Then send us a tweet. Be sure to hashtag them as #catstravaganza.
  • twoPost them to Facebook! Our Facebook page (like us yet?) accepts photos and videos, so feel free to submit your fancy feasts over there.
  • threePrefer to keep them a little more private? Send them to us via our official e-mail address, We’ll throw them up.
  • » And a footnote to readers: We’re aware that there are two kinds of people – cat people and people annoyed by cats. To people annoyed by cats, we promise that your regularly scheduled programming will be back on the tenth. And we’ll also set up a non-cat version of the blog for you guys. Promise. 🙂

26 Aug 2010 20:27


Tech: Diaspora to launch September 15th, crush under its own hype

  • We are spending a good chunk of time concentrating on building clear, contextual sharing. That means an intuitive way for users to decide, and not notice deciding, what content goes to their coworkers and what goes to their drinking buddies.
  • The dudes from the Diaspora project • Giving an end-of-Summer update on their well-funded project. While some of the more technical things won’t make the launch, they plan to have a working version ready to go by September 15, which means we get do decide then whether or not these guys are full of crap or actually have the goods. To celebrate, we’re going to set our Facebook settings to the loosest available. We don’t need it anymore; we have the goodness that is Diaspora. source

19 Feb 2010 10:59


20 Jan 2010 10:03


Biz: Learning to love the bomb: Why we don’t mind the NYT’s pay wall

  • The gray lady’s change from free to pay makes sense. Simply put, if there’s one newspaper in the U.S. that can blaze the trail for online pay walls and get it right, it’s the New York Times. Here’s why:
  • one They’re big enough to take the kind of risks that smaller papers can’t.
  • two They understand the Web better than most papers – there’s no tired cynicism here.
  • three They get the sharing nature of the Web, and so does their planned model.
  • four They’ve had a long history of online innovation already, such as Times Skimmer.
  • five They have content that’s good enough that people will pay for it. Duh. source

01 Dec 2009 21:08


U.S., World: Obama on Afghanistan: Push ’em in fast, pull ’em out quick

  • We will continue to advise and assist Afghanistan’s security forces to ensure that they can succeed over the long haul. But it will be clear to the Afghan government – and, more importantly, to the Afghan people – that they will ultimately be responsible for their own country.
  • President Barack Obama • On his choice to add 30,000 troops to Afghanistan, but begin to pull them out by July of 2011. Will 20 months be enough to move to the next step? We’ll find out. Obama’s plan, BTW, is in that mushy area where liberals don’t like it, but neither do conservatives. But it’s not burning fury, either. So he’s doing OK. source

24 Nov 2009 19:24


U.S.: Obama has to make a big decision. Time for a speech!

  • After eight years, some of those years in which we did not have, I think, either the resources or the strategy to get the job done, it is my intention to finish the job.
  • President Barack Obama • On his Afghan troop announcement, which many expect him to make during a live television address Tuesday – just around the point you should be making Turkey (or Tofurky) soup out of your leftovers. As with seemingly everything in his presidency, he’s either going to piss off his base or piss off the right with his decision. We hope he does the right thing and figures out a way to piss off both sides. Now that would be awesomely presidential of him. source

21 Nov 2009 20:04


Politics: Like “Lost,” Glenn Beck is gonna reveal his big plan next year

  • On August 28, 2010, I ask you, your family and neighbors to join me at the feet of Abraham Lincoln on the National Mall for the unveiling of The Plan and the birthday of a new national movement to restore our great country.
  • Glenn Beck • Describing our great national nightmare in detail. That’s right, boys – he’s gonna get his boys together to reveal his grand plan – how to (#^&(!&@ over the Democrats once and for freaking all. Or how he plans to get a bigger chalkboard. Or something. Note to all: Unless you’re one of them, avoid the National Mall on August 28, 2010. source

20 Aug 2009 20:50


Biz, U.S.: Cash for Clunkers over: It’s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday-eeeee

  • 457,000 clunkers number of cars accepted into one of the Obama administration’s most popular programs source

05 Aug 2009 09:51


Culture: We saw this Paula Abdul “Idol” story last night, but we didn’t care

  • What I want to say most, is how much I appreciate the undying support and enormous love that you have showered upon me.
  • “American Idol” judge Paula Abdul • On her Twitter account last night, revealing to the world that she was leaving American Idol. As her banter between Simon Cowell and Randy Jackson has been downright essential to the show’s success, fans are obviously freaking out over this news. MTV’s going through the seven stages, themselves. • source