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08 Jun 2009 23:28


Politics, Tech: AT&T is really dropping the ball when it comes to the iPhone

  • It was even apparent during the keynote yesterday that Apple sounds pretty disgusted with how far behind AT&T is dragging them. Notice the absence of any AT&T personnel on stage.
  • TUAW contributor Megan Lavey • On the Apple iPhone 3GS launch, which had all these new features – tethering and MMS, two things that a lot of phones on AT&T’s network already do – that weren’t available in the U.S. due to the carrier. Lavey goes further to say why AT&T will regret this: “Apple won’t forget that AT&T didn’t have key features in place when they needed to be there.” • source

08 Jun 2009 23:06


Culture: TV salvation: My new name is “Basic Cable Earl on TBS”

  • Despite saving “Chuck,” NBC weren’t seen as saints in terms of canceling shows, as Emmy-winner “My Name is Earl” got canned due to diminishing returns. source
  • However, there may be hope! TBS, which plans to carry repeats of “Earl,” is in early talks to take on the show, although with a drastically-reduced budget. source

08 Jun 2009 22:51


Culture: We don’t care about the Tony Awards or Bret Michaels. So we love this.

  • In a classic TV moment, Bret Michaels was injured by the Tony Awards. OK, we don’t like following the ins and outs of theatre’s biggest night, nor do we think Poison has a place on any stage – not even the Tony Awards. So it was great to watch how a set piece came crashing down on Bret Michaels, breaking his nose and cutting his lip. Which, according to the YouTube video, was way less than he should’ve gotten from that. source

08 Jun 2009 22:40


U.S.: In the N.Y. state senate, the Democrats already f(&^ed it up

  • fifty years Amount of time the Democratic party had been stuck as the minority in the New York state senate source

08 Jun 2009 22:15


U.S., World: Hilary Clinton: Don’t read into the North Korea jailed journo case

  • We hope that the North Koreans will grant clemency and deport them. There are other concerns that we and the international community have with North Korea, but those are separate and apart from what’s happening to the two women.
  • Secretary of State Hilary Clinton • Discussing the fates of jailed Current TV journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling while being very careful not to tie their situation to that of the current nuclear crisis complicating diplomacy between North Korea and the rest of the world. Nice job separating the two, but we have to imagine people have already made up their minds on this one. • source

08 Jun 2009 21:48


Tech: Not to steal the iPhone’s thunder, but the Pre isn’t doing bad either

  • 50,000 Palm Pres sold in two days source

08 Jun 2009 21:31


Music: ShortFormBand: Meet MA46. They’re post-punky and proggy.

  • Whoa, what is this?

    In our continuing effort to try new things, here’s our latest: Band coverage! For our first edition, Daniel Hengeveld of MA46 has gladly agreed to be our guinea pig. Want to see your band here? E-mail us or bug us on Twitter!

    Listen to them

    Q1: In 15 words or less, describe your band’s sound: Pop-post-punk plus prog predilections. Smart lyrics and bombast!

    Q2: Name three influences that inspire you, with three words each on why they’re awesome:
    Science fiction novels: vivid cultural examination
    90s Japanese glam: Pop melodies + hairspray
    Drum n Bass: WOMP WOMP WOMP

    Q3: What’s a recent song you’ve been digging? Write ten words explaining why:
    Phantom West – “The Life of Perfect Creatures”: Biggest wall of sound, sweet melody, about Laika. (Tim’s band)

    Q4: In 140 characters or less, how do you use social networking to get the word out: Twittering, Facebooking and MySpacing of course. We did a giveaway with a fashion blog recently & sent bloggers review copies & show invites.

    Q5: In 15 words or less, what’s next for you guys? Sporadic local live schedule while we record our full-length. Then, hopefully, West Coast tour! source


08 Jun 2009 17:30


Politics, U.S.: George W. Bush has moved on. Protester Cindy Sheehan hasn’t.

  • I think this is going to be the protest of the summer. It’s really picking up a lot of energy.
  • Cindy Sheehan • On her latest move to draw attention to the Iraq war … another protest of ex-President Bush’s Texas home. Gee, that’s creative. Not that the war doesn’t deserve the attention, but Bush isn’t exactly in a position to fix the mess he created now, is he? Did you pull a newspaper out of 2005 or something and read it wrong? • source

08 Jun 2009 17:03


Biz, U.S.: The Supreme Court blocks the Chrysler/Fiat sale. Whoa!

  • Wow. That was unexpected. The one thing that could stop the Chrysler/Fiat sale just happened. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg delayed the sale “pending further order.” Three Indiana state pension and construction funds were among the foremost opponents of the sale, which they felt left them financially out of the loop. The final sale, which the bankrupt company was counting on, could be delayed for weeks while the court makes a decision. Stay tuned to this Spidey-station. source

08 Jun 2009 16:01


Tech: The real innovation in Apple’s new lineup? Price.

  • $99 Cost of the iPhone 3G, which is the same but cheaper source