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25 Mar 2009 23:06


Tech: This international space station photo shouldn’t be as good as it looks

It was taken with the astronomy equivalent of a cell phone camera: A video camera attached to a telescope. Not bad. source

25 Mar 2009 22:52


Tech: Wii feat: Nintendo is king of the mountain. No pushing them off.

  • 50 million sales of the Nintendo Wii, an all-time home video game console sales record, topping the Playstation 2 source

25 Mar 2009 22:46


Culture: Really, who wouldn’t want to stalk Olympian Shawn Johnson?

  • Johnson, who’s 17, a gymnast, and kind of hot, got a creepy visitor at work – “Dancing With the Stars” – recently. A guy 17 years her senior apparently showed up to say haaaaaay. source
  • The man, Robert O’Ryan, was stopped by security. He had two loaded guns in his car and now has a brand-new restraining order against him. We imagine Woz gets this all the time, you know. source

25 Mar 2009 22:33


Sports: The NFL wants more games to make money off of

  • 18 games a season? That’s what Roger Goodell wants. source

25 Mar 2009 22:30


U.S.: Fingers crossed. They may have unjammed the North Dakota flood.

  • Ice was gumming up the works. They blew it up. Explosives took out 500 feet of ice in the Missouri River just south of the flooding point, which may lessen the level of the could-be-record-breaking North Dakota flood. They’re not out of the woods yet, though, and 1,700 people have already been evacuated from low-lying areas. Did it work? “We are cautiously optimistic,” said Bismarck Mayor John Warford. source

25 Mar 2009 22:24


U.S.: A lot of people are living in tents nowadays. That’s no good.

Like shanty towns in the 1930s, many Californians are living their lives in tents. That’s pretty depressing. :( source

25 Mar 2009 22:17


Offbeat: The guy who said this about a saggy pants bill gets a gold star

  • This is the ‘crack’ bill, and I think any respectable citizen would be against crack.
  • Tennessee State Rep. Joe Towns • On creating a saggy pants bill to stop the spread of drawer-revealing loose jeans. Towns co-sponsored the bill and sounds like an awesome guy otherwise. • source

25 Mar 2009 10:53


U.S.: To those sandbagging in North Dakota: We support you

  • 10,000 baggers have been putting sand into bags since Sunday attempting to stem a major flood in North Dakota source

25 Mar 2009 10:45


Offbeat: Here’s some cute photos of some murderous lil’ predators

Sure, these leopard cubs look cute now, but wait a couple years. They’ll scratch up your ugly-looking face! source

25 Mar 2009 10:40


Biz, U.S.: Pre-existing conditions may cease to exist at health insurers

  • If you happened to have a pre-existing condition, you were charged higher premiums by your health-care provider. They sucked for millions of people. source
  • If Obama’s insurance plan goes through, insurance companies will drop the premiums like a bad habit. This is really good news for millions of people. source