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30 May 2011 16:13


U.S.: Courtney Love confirms: Crack cocaine improves one’s math skills

  • While the drugs screwed me up in a lot of ways, they improved me in certain others. I’ve never been good with numbers, but when I was on crack I could do math really, really well. I became a fucking whiz at calculus. But I also became kind of psychotic, unfortunately.
  • Courtney Love • In an interview with [h/t: Andrew Sullivan]. source

03 Feb 2010 10:20


Politics: New Yorker writer trashes Twitter even though he’s never used it

  • The truth is, I feel like yelling Stop quite a bit these days. Every time I hear about Twitter I want to yell Stop. The notion of sending and getting brief updates to and from dozens or thousands of people every few minutes is an image from information hell.
  • New Yorker staff writer George Packer • Complaining about the popularity of Twitter. He won’t use it because he’s scared of becoming addicted. He calls it “crack for media addicts.” He seems to not understand the appeal of the service at all. He’s a journalist – with sources who understand the need to be constantly connected – and he himself doesn’t even own a BlackBerry. Mr. Packer, stop complaining and catch up. If you want to be a journalist in this new environment, you have to catch up. source

03 Nov 2009 09:34


World: Scientists enthralled by giant 20-foot-wide crack in Ethiopia

  • 35 miles – the length of what could be a new ocean someday source

06 Sep 2009 10:55


U.S.: San Francisco’s giant Bay Bridge has a tiny delay-worthy crack

They closed the famous bridge this weekend to do repairs, but that stupid little crack in a bad spot might be enough to keep it closed beyond Tuesday. source

13 Aug 2009 11:40


Offbeat, Tech: This YouTube laptop-catching video cracks us up

  • We’re convinced this is fake, but the marketing person at MSI that came up with this bizarre idea for a laptop commercial deserves a gold star and a cookie.source

25 Mar 2009 22:17


Offbeat: The guy who said this about a saggy pants bill gets a gold star

  • This is the ‘crack’ bill, and I think any respectable citizen would be against crack.
  • Tennessee State Rep. Joe Towns • On creating a saggy pants bill to stop the spread of drawer-revealing loose jeans. Towns co-sponsored the bill and sounds like an awesome guy otherwise. • source

07 Mar 2009 21:59


Culture: Who’s got the crack? Coolio does. (That’s why he’s in trouble.)

  • Note: Never go through an airport with that stuff. Apparently the “Gangsta’s Paradise” rapper, real name Artis Levon Ivey Jr., was going through the airport security checkpoint at LAX on Friday when he was caught with some crack. Uh, dude. It’s an airport security checkpoint. You can’t wear a hat walking though one. source