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05 Apr 2010 21:55


Offbeat: Whatever the heck an “Oriental Yeti” is, we’re scared of it

Alright, what sick (#&@ thought it was a good idea to shave a dog and pretend it was some mysterious Yeti-like creature? source

30 Mar 2010 22:37


Culture: Superman worth more if he’s in mint condition with no yellowing

  • $1
    amount paid for a near-mint copy of “Action Comics No. 1” in January; that’s kinda super
  • $1.5
    amount paid for a mint copy of “Action Comics No. 1” earlier this week; that’s very super source

08 Oct 2009 21:47


Sports: This fuzzy guy right here is the greatest baseball player ever

Not a lot of movies exist of Babe Ruth, the greatest of the greats in an era before digital cameras. This is the ONLY one that exists of him playing in the outfield. source

25 Mar 2009 10:45


Offbeat: Here’s some cute photos of some murderous lil’ predators

Sure, these leopard cubs look cute now, but wait a couple years. They’ll scratch up your ugly-looking face! source

24 Jan 2009 14:27


World: Brazillian model Mariana Bridi da Costa loses her battle to live

  • The circumstances Costa, 20, was a world-class model who quickly fell ill from sepsis, an infection of the blood that caused her immune system to fail. The illness, rooted in a misdiagnosis, caused doctors to remove her hands and feet. She was in a coma for 10 days and was only given a short time to live. source
  • The circumstances Costa, 20, was a world-class model who quickly fell ill from sepsis, an infection of the blood that caused her immune system to fail. The illness, rooted in a misdiagnosis, caused doctors to remove her hands and feet. She was in a coma for 10 days and was only given a short time to live.
  • Losing the fight Despite showing great strength even at her lowest point, it wasn’t enough. “Unfortunately Mari couldn’t resist any longer,” said Henrique Fontes, the executive director of Miss World Brazil. “She passed away at 3 a.m. today.” Costa’s family has received an worldwide outpouring of support in response to the tragedy. source