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26 Jul 2010 09:58


U.S.: South Park terror threat guy on trial for (unrelated) terror charges

  • Remember this guy? He’s currently on trial for terror charges for attempting to go to Somalia to join the terror group Al-Shabaab. Zachary Adam Chesser, also known as Abu Talhah al Amrikee, has already hit radar screens this year after he made a veiled threat against the South Park guys for their infamous Mohammed episodes. Chesser, a Virginia resident, is being held without bond while a judge decides his fate. His trial continues today. source

22 Apr 2010 10:00


Culture: Comedy Central wusses out on “South Park” big time

  • We’d be so hypocritical against our own message, our own thoughts, if we said, ‘okay, well let’s not make fun of them because they won’t hurt us.’ It matters to me when we talk about Muhammad that I can say we did this… and I can stand behind that.
  • “South Park” co-creator Trey Parker • Regarding the whole “Muhammad” controversy that’s trailed the show this week. He made these comments before last night’s show hit a fever pitch, and on the show there was prominent, over-the-top censorship of the word “Muhammad.” But on the other hand, there were blasphemous images for other religions on the show – Jesus watching porn and Buddha snorting coke. Because we wouldn’t want some of our society’s greatest social satirists to wuss out on us here. (Update: Comedy Central put in the large amount of censorship, and won’t let the “South Park” dudes stream the episode.) source

21 Apr 2010 20:46


Culture: South Park offends some radical Muslims with a bear suit

  • We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo van Gogh for airing this show. This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality that will likely happen to them.
  • Abu Talhah al Amrikee of the site • Regarding “South Park” celebrating its 200th episode by depicting the prophet Mohammed behind a black bar, and later in a bear suit. Because that’s not controversial. Anyway, the site that posted this criticism compared Trey Parker and Matt Stone to director Theo van Gogh, who was murdered after he created a controversial film about the the treatment of women in radical Islam. They also posted the addresses to South Park Studios. Tonight should be fun in response to this controversy – “South Park” is famous for being able to respond to controversies like this quickly. source

18 Mar 2010 10:18


Culture: South Park slams a nine-iron into the Tiger Woods story

  • Oh, South Park, we missed you so. Last night’s episode tackled everyone’s favorite punching bag, the Tiger Woods saga, with clever bits such as this one, where Cartman and Stan play a Tiger-themed fighting game. We want to buy this game. source

12 Nov 2009 22:29


Culture: Glenn Beck an easy target, one hit by South Park this time

  • You know, parodies of Glenn Beck should be getting old by now, but they’re really not. Cartman uses Beck’s logic to suggest that Wendy kills smurfs. Is Glenn Beck just a schtick now, instead of a political pundit? I don’t know, I’m just asking questions.source

07 Nov 2009 11:35


Culture: South Park + Lady Gaga + “Poker Face” = This amazing video

  • Eric Cartman should sing Lady Gaga more often. We’re just sayin’.source

15 Aug 2009 12:05


Culture: Want to see unaired “South Park” pilot? Well, it’s online, guys.

The lives of Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman are rooted in this episode. Click the link. You’re really curious, aren’t you? Click … it. source

09 Apr 2009 21:45


Culture, Music: Best part of the South Park Kanye riff: It got through!

  • Kanye West • Who writes in all caps all the time, by the way. He agrees with the show’s sentiment, and although his feelings were hurt, dude agrees he needs to “get past” himself. Good for you, you crazy bastard. • source

09 Apr 2009 21:26


Culture, Music: South Park, thank you for skewering Kanye West

Nothing against the man’s talent, but is there a single pop-culture icon more deserving of this (besides Billy Corgan)? source

24 Mar 2009 10:45


Culture: South Park probably has something clever to say about the economy

The show, famous for its quick turnaround time on cultural events, tackles the economic crisis tomorrow night. source