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29 Dec 2010 10:11


World: Danish newspaper targeted over rage-inducing Mohammed cartoons

  • 5 arrested over plot over five-year-old cartoons; attention span ≠ short source

12 Dec 2010 10:34


World: Sweden calls deadly Stockholm blasts “terror crimes”

So, not long before this blast (and another one) took place, a Swedish newspaper got a threatening letter about those Prophet Mohammed caricatures. Great. source

21 Apr 2010 20:46


Culture: South Park offends some radical Muslims with a bear suit

  • We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo van Gogh for airing this show. This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality that will likely happen to them.
  • Abu Talhah al Amrikee of the site • Regarding “South Park” celebrating its 200th episode by depicting the prophet Mohammed behind a black bar, and later in a bear suit. Because that’s not controversial. Anyway, the site that posted this criticism compared Trey Parker and Matt Stone to director Theo van Gogh, who was murdered after he created a controversial film about the the treatment of women in radical Islam. They also posted the addresses to South Park Studios. Tonight should be fun in response to this controversy – “South Park” is famous for being able to respond to controversies like this quickly. source

03 Jan 2010 10:25


U.S., World: The Danish cartoonist attacker almost attacked Hillary Clinton

  • She was reportedly the target of a foiled bus attack in Kenya. The suspect, who we can’t name due to Danish law, reportedly tried to attack the former Secretary of State during her 11-day tour of the country in September. He was sent back to Denmark due to lack of evidence. Now we can probably agree that something is up with this dude who was arrested. source

02 Jan 2010 10:45


World: Crazy guy remembers the Prophet Mohammed cartoon controversy

  • I locked myself in our safe room and alerted the police. He tried to smash the entrance door with an axe, but he didn’t manage.
  • Cartoonist Kurt Westergaard • Describing the attempt his life by a Somali man over a cartoon he drew a few years ago showing the Prophet Mohammed. The guy, who we can’t name due to Danish law, reportedly freaked out over the 2005 incident and ended up getting himself shot twice in the process. He denies any wrongdoing, but doesn’t deny being at the scene. source