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02 Jan 2010 10:45


World: Crazy guy remembers the Prophet Mohammed cartoon controversy

  • I locked myself in our safe room and alerted the police. He tried to smash the entrance door with an axe, but he didn’t manage.
  • Cartoonist Kurt Westergaard • Describing the attempt his life by a Somali man over a cartoon he drew a few years ago showing the Prophet Mohammed. The guy, who we can’t name due to Danish law, reportedly freaked out over the 2005 incident and ended up getting himself shot twice in the process. He denies any wrongdoing, but doesn’t deny being at the scene. source

18 Nov 2009 09:34


U.S., World: Like an elephant, a ship captured by Somali pirates never forgets

  • Due to Maersk Alabama following maritime industry’s best practices such as embarking security teams, the ship was able to prevent being successfully attacked by pirates. This is a great example of how merchant mariners can take pro-active action to prevent being attacked.
  • Central Command director Vice Adm. Bill Gortney • Exclaiming his pure joy that the Maersk Alabama didn’t get ganked by Somali pirates a second time. The difference this time? The ship had a security staff that could create ear-piercing sounds. And guns. Can’t forget the guns. • source

30 Oct 2009 20:25


World: Anyone got a lot of money sitting around to give to some pirates?