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30 Nov 2011 20:36


World: Scotland’s public sector strikes over pensions

  • It’s estimated that 300,000 people participated in the public sector strike in Scotland today, an action in protest of proposed changes to the state’s pension system which could force workers to pay in at a higher rate, and work more years before reaching retirement.  source

24 May 2011 11:17


World: Ryanair flies plane through Iceland’s volcanic ash to prove it’s safe

  • How badly does Ryanair want to fly in this mess? Well, the ultra-cheap airline, which is trying to argue that the air plume from the Iceland volcano isn’t that bad, just sent a test plane through the thickest part of the plume for an hour. To put it simply, the plane got through OK, which means that now RyanAir is really arguing that officials allow airlines to fly their passenger planes through this murky soup. Look, we know your entire business model relies on tight profit margins, Ryanair, but is this really how you want to save money? (amazing eruption photo via NASA Goddard Photo and Video’s Flickr page) source

28 May 2010 11:00


Tech: iPad international launch: World catches up to lower 48

Sales to other countries were held off due to high U.S. demand, so now you jerks in Scotland will know how we felt when we ganked one two months ago. source

09 May 2010 11:59


World: #(&@(&! volcano: Iceland’s ash causing more airline problems

Italy, Spain and Scotland, among others, have had to shut down their airspace as a result of Iceland’s continuing ash problems. source

05 Nov 2009 09:17


Offbeat: Protip: When you start fighting streetlamps, you’re probably drunk

  • He must have been very drunk because when he ran out of passers-by he began to shout at the lampposts, similarly challenging them to ‘have a go’.
  • Perth, Scotland Fiscal depute Stuart Richardson • Describing drunken lout David Robinson, 22, who wanted to get in a fistfight with someone but couldn’t find any takers. So instead, he attempted to attack his fury out on a streetlamp. Too much beer, dude, too much beer. • source

07 Sep 2009 11:50


Tech: Your brain on Twitter < Your brain on Facebook. Any questions?

  • On Twitter you receive an endless stream of information, but it’s also very succinct. You don’t have to process that information. Your attention span is being reduced and you’re not engaging your brain and improving nerve connections.
  • University of Stirling (Scotland) psychologist Dr Tracy Alloway • Describing the difference between Facebook and Twitter usage. Since tweets are so short, you’re not thinking as much, which damages your working memory. Facebook has the opposite effect. Which means, in the long term, Twitter makes you dumber and Facebook makes you smarter. • source

01 Sep 2009 21:31


World: Libya was threatening the U.K. to release the Lockerbie bomber

  • The U.K.’s trying to dispel bomber-for-oil rumors. Libya warned the United Kingdom that there would be “catastrophic effects” to the relationship between the two countries if the Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi were allowed to die in prison, dozens of pages of documents released by the U.K. say. From the sounds of things, Libya twisted Scotland’s arm really hard, and to grease the skids further, Britain and Libya have had warm relations of late. All of which likely helped along his release. source

25 Aug 2009 20:34


World: Doctor to Lockerbie bombing judge: You done @!#(^!( up, idiot

  • It is clear to me from the medical reports and the opinion of the specialists that Megrahi could live for many more months. Kenny MacAskill released him apparently on the advice of just one doctor whose status is not clear and who is not named.
  • Scottish Labour Party politician Dr. Richard Simpson • Discussing the prognosis of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, which Scottish justice minister Kenny MacAskill believed would only give the Lockerbie bomber a short time to live. Simpson suggests that MacAskill’s information was incorrect. If Simpson is right, then the Libyan government just scored a huge coup. • source

23 Aug 2009 11:47


World: Scotland defends its release of the Lockerbie bomber

  • We understand that, we recognise that … But the process of compassionate release doesn’t depend on the guilt or innocence of the party. It’s an evaluation based essentially on the medical condition of the prisoner.
  • Alex Salmond, Scotland’s first minister • Responding to criticism by the U.S., most notably FBI Director Robert Mueller, for allowing Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi to go free for medical reasons. In case you’re wondering (we certainly were), Scotland is a part of the United Kingdom but it has its own legal system separate from the rest of the union. So, it wasn’t the U.K. that made this decision – it was Scotland. • source

21 Aug 2009 09:30


World: Britain: We shouldn’t have released the Lockerbie bomber

  • The sight of a mass murderer getting a hero’s welcome in Tripoli is deeply upsetting, deeply distressing, above all for the 270 families who grieve every day for the loss of their loved ones 21 years ago.
  • British Foreign Secretary David Miliband • Criticizing Scotland’s decision to let Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi go early. Many were critical of the U.S.’ why-didya-let-him-go feelings on the matter, until they saw that the Libyan government allowed for a rare public gathering outside of Meghrai’s plane to celebrate his release. • source