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11 Dec 2009 12:06


World: Blackwater’s relationship with the CIA became a bit too complex

  • It became a very brotherly relationship. There was a feeling that Blackwater eventually became an extension of the agency.
  • A former top CIA officer • Describing the relationship between the CIA and the private Blackwater firm. The firm, which has been under fire for years for its actions during the Iraq war, was involved in secret CIA raids, according to the New York Times. Apparently, this relationship got so cozy that lines started to blur between the federal and private organizations. source

05 Dec 2009 09:48


Politics: Max Baucus wasn’t cheating; he was just ethically unsound


  • There has to be a public option joke we can make here. The Montana senator, who was in the news for months due to his role in the health care debate, recently admitted to nominating Melodee Hanes for the U.S. attorney post while he was having a romantic relationship with her. She backed out, however, after they decided they wanted to move in together. Unlike most situations like this, BTW, this wasn’t cheating. The relationship began when he was separated from his wife – who he has since divorced. source

04 Oct 2009 12:15


Culture: Funnyman drama: Another former Letterman intern comes forward

  • I was madly in love with him at the time. I would have married him. He was hilarious.
  • Hollywood producer Holly Hester • Describing her relationship with David Letterman in the early ’90s. The two of them had a year-long, secret romance which Letterman ended because of the age difference. The New York Daily News tried to interview her, but TMZ got there first and apparently offered her a lot of money. One thing that came out of Hester’s interview: Letterman has a secret bedroom directly above his studio. Well, he is the host of the show! • source

12 Sep 2009 12:48


U.S.: ACORN and the Census: No longer working together

  • Glenn Beck strikes again. Thanks to this video and a bunch of other reasons, the U.S. Census has severed its relationship with community organizers ACORN. It was a number of things, but this video above, which shows the organization’s D.C. and Baltimore offices helping a woman pretending to be a prostitute, was the tipping point. “Their affiliation caused sufficient concern with the general public,” said Census Bureau spokesperson Stephen Buckner.source

22 Aug 2009 11:11


U.S.: The latest teacher/student sex case has a payoff angle. Ugh.

  • 15 age of the student Melissa Ann Andreini allegedly had a relationship with source

18 Aug 2009 11:15


World: An awful act of relationship revenge in Kuwait kills dozens

  • 43 people died after an ex-wife set a wedding tent ablaze source

13 Mar 2009 18:53


Culture, Music: The cake is a lie: Rihanna/Chris Brown duet not real

  • It was an old recording used for reference vocals. Apparently, word on the street was that the tumultuous relationship between the two was on the mend (which is apparently true still) and the reunion would be cemented by a new recording. Their label reps deny this and say the song in question was written for someone else and the couple hasn’t recorded together since the incident. So much for good rumors, kids. source