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07 Jul 2010 09:50


World: Nicolas Sarcozy + L’Oreal + illegal donations = A powdery mess

How many world leaders could conceivably find themselves in a ethics scandal with a cosmetics heiress? Just one. Our boy Nick Sarcozy. source

16 Jun 2010 11:04


World: The French upset because they have to work two extra years

  • 60 the current retirement age for people living in France
  • 62 the new retirement age for French people – it’ll change by 2018
  • yes the socialists in the country are really mad about this source

20 May 2010 22:22


Culture: Lindsay Lohan read “Roman Polanski’s Guide to Court Evasion”

  • one number of passports the actress reportedly had stolen while in France for Cannes (she has a new one)
  • $100,000 the bail the trainwreck had to pay for missing a court date on a drunk-driving charge in L.A. source

26 Apr 2010 22:33


World: Manuel Noriega still in custody, but pretty well-traveled

  • Panama Noriega became de facto ruler in 1983 and, while in power was accused
    of election rigging and drug trafficking.
  • Miami After he was captured
    by the U.S., where he was convicted for drug trafficking, he was jailed for over 20 years.
  • Paris In 1999, Noriega was convicted in absentia on money laundering charges. He just got extradited today. source

15 Mar 2010 10:47


World: French people decide Nicolas Sarkozy’s political party sucks

  • 25% of French people voted for Sarkozy’s center-right UMP party
  • 29% voted for France’s Socialist party, the biggest share of votes
  • 47% of votes went to three leftist parties, including Socialists source

22 Jan 2010 11:09


Tech: Survival of the tweetest? AFP tries an endurance test for journalists

  • one Five journalists will be locked away in a farmhouse in rural France for five days next month.
  • two The journos will not have access to any form of mainstream media but Twitter and Facebook.
  • three Among the sources banned: TV, radio, newspapers, smartphones and other Web sites.
  • four The goal? To report what they see on social media, and to test the quality of the info. source

19 Jan 2010 10:23


Tech: Microsoft on Internet Explorer troubles: All software is dangerous

  • It is important to note that all software has vulnerabilities and switching browsers in an attempt to protect against these highly publicized but currently limited attacks can inadvertently create some false sense of security.
  • A statement from Microsoft • Regarding a newfound push for users to switch in the wake of a security threat created by Internet Explorer, especially IE6. Germany and France have already said not to use Internet Explorer, and the drumbeat against the software is getting louder. It’s worth pointing out, by the way, that IE has a much slower bug-fixing cycle than its competitors, so this statement (outside of the general sense) is a load of hooey. Drop the zero, get with the hero. source

04 Jan 2010 20:14


World: France retreats from a hell of a lot of swine flu vaccine

  • 50 million piggies went back to the manufacturer source

23 Oct 2009 12:59


World: There’s kind of a problem with that Iran nuclear deal on the table

  • Russia, the U.S. and France have agreed to a draft deal by the IAEA to compromise on Iran’s nuke program. source
  • Iran isn’t. They appear to be stalling, looking for a way to keep the West busy while it plays footsie. Figures. source

25 Sep 2009 09:57


U.S., World: J’accuse! Obama and his buddies gang up on Iran at G20

This is the most bizarre gang ever. But more power to Obama, Sarkozy and Brown for being willing to take on Iran sharply on that nuclear plant. source