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16 Jun 2010 11:04


World: The French upset because they have to work two extra years

  • 60 the current retirement age for people living in France
  • 62 the new retirement age for French people – it’ll change by 2018
  • yes the socialists in the country are really mad about this source

26 Jul 2009 11:16


World: Yikes: French prez Nicolas Sarkozy rushed to a hospital

  • He was running and got a little faint. Sarkozy, who as European presidents go, is one of the healthiest (and depending on your persuasion, buffest), fell ill while running today and had to go to the hospital. Sound scary? Well, yeah, it kinda is. Word is that Sarkozy suffered from a vagal nerve attack, which can change the heart rate and cause a brief loss of consciousness. So yeah; sounds scary, but it’s likely he’ll be OK. source

27 May 2009 20:37


Music: We keep hearing the new Phoenix album rules. Judge for yourself.

  • All your dad’s kids’ favorite publications like Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix, from Pitchfork to The Onion A.V. Club. And we like it too. These French guys came up with a solid pop album. But what do you think? Listen here.source

10 Apr 2009 15:50


Sports: Fighting words: Lance Armstrong takes on French drug testers

  • This is just another example of the improper behavior by the French laboratory and the French anti-doping organizations. I am sorry that they are disappointed that all the tests were negative, but I do not use any prohibited drugs or substances.
  • Lance Armstrong • In a statement earlier this week. Since ticking them off by taking a shower, Armstrong has gone out on the offensive over the drug-testing agency in France, who he has had a strained relationship with. He says the agency may prevent him from racing in the Tour de France – you know, the reason he unretired in the first place. • source

16 Mar 2009 10:02


World: A good way to anger a bunch of Quebecers: call them illiterate

  • Whether in elementary or secondary [school], English is practically swept under the rug [in Quebec]. At the university level, it’s even worse. We have illiterates of the second language.
  • Daniel Petit • A Canadian member of parliament, at a meeting of the House of Commons official languages committee. See, this was just bad form. Criticize them for other reasons that they can’t really get angry about, like liking poutine. Calling them illiterate is just going to get you in trouble, dude. In fact, Petit’s statements completely contradict studies which note that Francophones are adept with both English and French. • source

01 Mar 2009 09:27


Music, World: MGMT’s got beef with French President Nicolas Sarkozy

  • 1 amount Sarkozy’s party offered the band to settle a copyright beef source