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07 Jun 2010 10:19


Tech: “Magic Trackpad”: Do you have room in your life for such a device?

  • This is where it’d fit in your life. You know, next to your keyboard and mouse. Let’s face it – Apple’s MacBook Pro trackpad is one of the greatest mousing devices ever created, and at today’s WWDC conference (which Gizmodo hasn’t been invited to), they’ve reportedly separated the trackpad from the laptop. As long as you didn’t hurt the MacBook Pro, guys. We’re not sure we could even imagine such a thing. (Photo by Dan Berte) source

03 May 2010 09:56


Tech: Apple sells a bunch of iPads really quickly, hits milestone already

  • 1M number of iPads
    since its April 4 launch day
  • 12M number of iPad
    getting used on
    the device
  • 1.5M number of digital
    getting read on
    the iPad source

10 Jan 2010 11:41


Tech: The Skiff newspaper e-Reader: Half-baked or wholehearted?

  • Is Skiff the future of the news? As with any of these e-Reader devices, it’s too early to call, but it’s closer than most. TechCrunch says it’s an attempt to put the genie in the bottle again. We like the fact that it does nice newspaper layout. source

03 Nov 2009 10:14


Tech: The Twitter-only “Twitter Peek”: The most useless device ever?

  • There’s already a device that does this easily. It’s called a cell phone. The original Peek is a neat idea – this is just jumping on a trend. Even the Wikireader is a better idea than this.source

22 Oct 2009 09:59


World: Clever mail-tracking bastards of The Guardian, we salute you

The Royal Mail was about to go on strike in the U.K., so The Guardian dropped a satellite device in the mail to see what happened. This is innovative journalism. source

22 Sep 2009 22:56


Tech: The Microsoft Courier looks like a fawnworthy dream device

We know what you’re thinking. Since when did we fawn over Microsoft products? To that, we say, “Watch the video at the link. It’s jaw-dropping.” source

27 May 2009 10:50


Tech: Wannabes. Microsoft, Sony get in the Wiimote controller game

  • Microsoft’s device, granted, is a camera-based device that will allow users to move around without use of a controller …
  • rip-off #1
  • rip-off #2

25 May 2009 18:16


U.S.: Bomb shakes up a NYC Starbucks like a venti Frappuccino