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19 Mar 2010 11:09


Culture: False advertising: Christiane Amanpour isn’t joining ABC this week

  • Actually, she’s joining it at the end of April. The longtime CNN anchor, famous for her international coverage, will helm “This Week,” replacing George Stephanopoulos. It’s a bit of a change, but just look at the comments on this CNN post. Amanpour is universally loved and probably won’t damage the “This Week” brand. CNN, on the other hand, is looking like a rickety old ship that just lost its first mate. source

02 Mar 2010 20:35


Politics: Here’s a guy who’s upset with Jim Bunning right now. Thanks CNN!

Joe Orr, right, got an e-mail the other night explaining that his unemployment benefits were ending. He says that Jim Bunning needs a “reality check.” source

19 Jan 2010 20:27


Politics: On media ethics in Haiti: Stop giving Anderson Cooper crap!

  • We need to make an important point here. (Note the graphic video.) Anderson Cooper saved a young boy’s life here. And this past weekend, Sanjay Gupta kept a hospital afloat. Other doctors and reporters are getting their hands dirty in helping out with one of the worst natural disasters in history. And yet, some media critics are giving them crap for daring to help. We need to clarify this to our readers here, as fellow journalists:
  • one Being a journalist does not instantly mean that you stop caring about other human beings.
  • two It’s easy to remain impartial when you’re not in a disaster zone like Cooper was.
  • three Life and death is not the point where one brings up an ethical fight. It’s unavoidable.
  • four CNN’s editors may be exploiting it, but we’d rather see reporters help out. source

17 Jan 2010 10:46


World: The Sanjay Gupta thing in Haiti, now with more details

  • what? Sanjay Gupta had to spend his Friday night in Haiti helping earthquake survivors after a crew of Belgian doctors left a makeshift hospital to fend for itself overnight. He did a great job.
  • why? Even though Gupta and others were told the UN had made the decision to move doctors out overnight, it was in fact the lead Belgian doctor who had made the questionable decision.
  • next The UN and Belgian government promise to give the doctors security forces to protect themselves from looters, criminals or anyone else in the wake of the earthquake. source

06 Jan 2010 22:30


Culture: YES! It’s time for the Richard Heene Larry King interview!

  • He claims he pleaded guilty so his wife wasn’t deported. Oh Larry, we knew you wouldn’t let us down! In an interview to run on CNN Friday, the Balloon Boy’s father, Richard Heene, explains that he isn’t guilty but in fact was trying to protect his wife. Because he’s a douchebag. “Quite honestly,” said Larimer County, Colorado, Sheriff Jim Alderden, “I’m shocked that he would make such statements.” So are we. But he’s a reality TV wannabe. This is how he survives. source

05 Jan 2010 21:59


Culture: CNN’s obsessed with whether women have G-spots

  • G we wonder why they wrote this article (hint: traffic) source

02 Jan 2010 16:13


Politics: Rick Sanchez makes John Ensign feel all uncomfortable & stuff

  • Our Boy Rick Sanchez got Nevada Sen. John Ensign on his show to talk terror. Big deal, right? Well, except it was the first interview Ensign had done with CNN since his ethics scandal broke around the time Mark Sanford’s did. And Rick quickly changed the subject quickly to Ensign’s myriad ethics problems. Painful to watch.

06 Dec 2009 23:00


Politics: Max Headroom: John McCain lets Sarah Palin know where she stands

  • Is this a compliment?
    On “Meet The Press” this week, John McCain said that he was proud of his former Veep candidate, Sarah Palin, and said that even though she’s “irrelevant,” people continue to attack her. Sounds backhanded.

  • Mitt Romney’s stance
    You know this guy’s gonna make another run for office. The GOP’s best resource on government health care leans largely on fiscal concerns in this clip with our boy John King. Whether or not you agree, he sounds on the ball.

  • I don’t vote
    Gen. David Petraeus has a pretty interesting wrinkle to carry around: He doesn’t vote, and hasn’t since he was promoted to Maj. General in 2002. Fox News’ Chris Wallace, amusingly, seems taken aback by this fact.

28 Nov 2009 22:38


U.S.: Tareq and Michaele Salahi pull a Tiger Woods, shy away from media

  • They canceled on Larry King! They canceled on Larry King! The world, waiting to hear what Tareq and Michaele Salahi were trying to pull by their state dinner appearance, sat impatiently waiting after hearing they held off on the soft-pedal chat with Larry. They’re not ready for redemption – at least not yet. Question: Is the value of their redemption as good as nothing, like turning in a coupon for cash? source

12 Nov 2009 22:40


Politics: L.A. Times: Maybe straight news is what CNN needs to stand out

  • I’d like to suggest that CNN, in parting ways this week with its most opinionated host, Lou Dobbs, may be planting the seeds of its resurrection and holding out the possibility that around-the-clock broadcasting doesn’t have to mean around-the-clock spin.
  • L.A. Times media columnist James Rainey • Discussing CNN’s move to objectivity thanks to the departure of Lou Dobbs and the subsequent scheduling of John King. Rainey suggests that the constant spin cycle on other networks is getting tiring for many who might just want good journalism – you know, the kind CNN used to do back in the day. “If CNN fortifies the information meal,” he suggests, “I think King could prove correct.” Considering the votes our poll got today, it seems a lot of ShortFormBlog’s readers agree with his assessment. • source