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07 Oct 2009 11:09


World: The Saudi sex bragger got sentenced, and he’s gonna be sore later

  • 1,000 lashes and 5 years in prison; OUCH source

07 Oct 2009 11:01


Tech: Looking for a loyal social media lover? Look to Facebook.

  • 20% of Facebook users will come back for some more of your blog’s lovin’; Digg users are also loyal source

07 Oct 2009 10:57


Tech: Daily poll: Google’s constant logo changes, clever or annoying?

  • Today, Google changed their logo to a barcode to celebrate the anniversary of the first barcode patent. (It turns 57 today.) Now, we think it’s cool and awesome and everything, but Google has been doing this a lot lately. Which compels us to ask a fairly obvious question: Are they overdoing it? Vote above.source

07 Oct 2009 10:46


Tech: Amazon Kindles a global reach for its eBook reader

Jeff Bezos is hoping that the can take his pet project and turn it into the biggest present under a lot of global Christmas trees. source

07 Oct 2009 10:37


Offbeat: Erectile dysfunction lawsuit jokes hard for us to pass up

  • $9 million awarded to guy who kept it up for far too long source

07 Oct 2009 09:50


Biz: We’re using debit cards more and charge cards less

  • +4.1% incresase in the use of debit cards to pay for everything source

07 Oct 2009 09:42


Tech: Thought Saturn’s other rings were cool? Check out this one.

Giant infrared ring around saturn
  • This ring is giant, way bigger than all the other ones, but we haven’t been able to see it until now. That’s because NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope works sort of like the signal that makes your remote control work. It uses infrared signals to pick up light which isn’t otherwise obviously visible.source

07 Oct 2009 09:24


07 Oct 2009 09:18


U.S.: Cleveland too small for Braylon Edwards & LeBron James

  • Cleveland Browns star Braylon Edwards was accused of assaulting a good friend of Cleveland Cavaliers star Lebron James outside of a nightclub. source
  • Braylon Edwards was traded to the NY Jets; many think that it was because of the incident. Yes, Lebron is powerful enough to get a football player traded. source

07 Oct 2009 09:10


U.S.: Russ Feingold says the White House should explain “czar” system

  • The White House seems to want to fight the attacks against it for having too many ‘czars’ on a political level rather than a substantive level. I don’t think that’s the right approach.
  • Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold • At a hearing yesterday regarding the Obama administration’s use of czars to handle specific issues facing the presidency. Their use has been a touchy subject for some, especially if your name is Glenn Beck. “If there are good answers to the questions that have been raised,” Feingold says regarding the White House’s blog post on the subject, “why not give them instead of attacking the motives or good faith of those who have raised questions?” Also raised were constitutional and oversight issues – should the Senate be taking a look at these czars? • source