Members of the food industry got a hold of the U.S. Department of Agriculture recently, informing them that, without increased imports, the country is on track to run out of sugar. Not sweet. source
The American Heart Association says that you should stop eating sugar to improve your heart health. Plus, there’s the side benefit of increasing the nation’s sugar supply. *light bulb* source
This video is very disturbing. But it’s arguably such a great example of a scared-straight commercial that it’s bound to stick in the popular consciousness for a while. Note: Please be careful while watching. It’s dark. It may give you nightmares.source
The Congressional Budget Office, which has no ties to the White House, says that the economy will recover in late 2009, which they say is “largely the result of fiscal stimulus.” source
Despite that positive development, this negative development should get conservatives in a tizzy. The deficit will reach a record $1.6 trillion. The old belt doesn’t fit anymore. source
It is clear to me from the medical reports and the opinion of the specialists that Megrahi could live for many more months. Kenny MacAskill released him apparently on the advice of just one doctor whose status is not clear and who is not named.
Scottish Labour Party politician Dr. Richard Simpson • Discussing the prognosis of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, which Scottish justice minister Kenny MacAskill believed would only give the Lockerbie bomber a short time to live. Simpson suggests that MacAskill’s information was incorrect. If Simpson is right, then the Libyan government just scored a huge coup. • source
I have no doubt he’s going to be indicted … Just the amount of work tells us that.
Defense attorney Roy Black • Analyzing the likelihood that Dr. Conrad Murray will be indicted in the Michael Jackson case. Investigators have spent months gathering evidence against him – search warrants, interviews, so on and so forth. And Fox News didn’t even have to announce this analysis, which aired on “Good Morning America,” a week early! • source
Almost, but not quite, there. We have to admit that we’re still on the fence about "Warehouse 13." On one hand, its premise – that the Secret Service maintains a storage facility for objects like Indiana Jones’ lost Ark – is pretty darn nifty. The fact that the talented Jane Espenson (writer/producer on "Buffy," "Angel," and "BSG") is serving as the primary driving force as co-creator/writer revs our nerdy hearts too. …
The meh … But, as a whole, “Warehouse 13” hasn’t quite come together yet for us. Going for the “Eureka” vibe, the show has so far shown few episodes that offered more than the standard “artifact-of-the-week” fare. And the two leads, Eddie McClintock and Joanne Kelly, are capable at best. source
The meh … But, as a whole, “Warehouse 13” hasn’t quite come together yet for us. Going for the “Eureka” vibe, the show has so far shown few episodes that offered more than the standard “artifact-of-the-week” fare. And the two leads, Eddie McClintock and Joanne Kelly, are capable at best.
The good Really, it’s the cool use of steampunk-style inventions-and Saul Rubinek’s scene-stealing Artie-that keep us watching each week. The upcoming guest appearances by Eureka’s Erica Cerra and Niall Matter (as a pair of gamblers in possession of an artifact) don’t hurt either.
The meh … But, as a whole, “Warehouse 13” hasn’t quite come together yet for us. Going for the “Eureka” vibe, the show has so far shown few episodes that offered more than the standard “artifact-of-the-week” fare. And the two leads, Eddie McClintock and Joanne Kelly, are capable at best.
The good Really, it’s the cool use of steampunk-style inventions-and Saul Rubinek’s scene-stealing Artie-that keep us watching each week. The upcoming guest appearances by Eureka’s Erica Cerra and Niall Matter (as a pair of gamblers in possession of an artifact) don’t hurt either.
The clip In tonight’s episode, “Duped,” we also get to see that Myka (Kelly) is going to be going the evil twin/mirror universe route (with Louis Carroll’s mirror and everything!), only with less goatee and more cleavage. Sounds good to us. (Guest column by Micah Pearson. Thanks, man!)source
As stomach-turning as these individual acts of sadism are, it is far worse to consider that only low-level interrogators will suffer consequences while those who were truly responsible – the criminally depraved leaders and lawyers who ordered and authorized it – will be protected.
Salon’s Glenn Greenwald • Discussing the implications of the Inspector General’s report on torture. His analysis points out many scary things in the report – including phrases such as “threats of execution,” “threats to kill detainee and his children,” “pressure points on carotid artery,” “‘buttstroking’ with rifles and knee kicks” and “blowing smoke in detainee’s face for five minutes.” Despite the many black boxes, you can read between the lines. And between those lines is a lot of questionable government-sanctioned activity. Makes us sick thinking about it. • source