They’re defying orders and remembering Neda. The protesters are holding a vigil at Tehran’s Haft-e Tir Square for Neda, the young woman violently killed on camera over the weekend. One man was chased into an alley by Basij militia members. Protesting the Basijs and chasing them off, they shouted: “Do not be scared. We are all together.” That’s re-affirming. source
Both Iranian police and Basij militia members took part in the arrest of these two men on Sunday. The man shooting the video is (quietly) cursing the Basijs.source
It is a grave mistake for the US to think it will not be hurt if it ignores this and ignites the fuse of war on the Korean Peninsula.
Commentary in Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper of North Korea’s ruling Communist party • In an attempt to again scare the daylights out of the U.S. Obama has said that the U.S. is ready to defend itself in case, you know, North Korea makes good on any of these threats. In fact, we’re tracking a ship that may possibly contain weapons, in violation of North Korea’s sanctions. Ah, playing with fire. • source