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01 May 2009 20:11


Culture, Offbeat: “Twilight” + cheeseburgers – hot chick = win

  • For some reason, everything’s funnier with cheeseburgers, especially “Twilight.” We so want to suck the ketchup out of that burger.source

01 May 2009 19:53


Biz: Here’s an ultra-depressing number from Chrysler

01 May 2009 19:39


U.S., World: The swine flu vaccine will come out soon, but … not right away

  • The reality is that from the time the potentially pandemic virus is identified, it takes between four and six months to have the first doses of vaccine coming out of the factory and being available for immunizing people.
  • Dr. Marie-Paule Kieny • WHO director of the Initiative for Vaccine Research, on the process of getting a vaccine out to the public. It’s not the quickest process in the world, but they’re already ahead of the game in one respect – they have the virus identified, which is a major step in production. In other news, the H1N1 outbreak (we still hate that name BTW – it’s not that we don’t think there should be another name, but it’s very clinical) seems to be flagging to some degree in Mexico City, which is positive. • source

01 May 2009 19:24


Tech: Boost Mobile’s customer’s aren’t getting much of a boost

  • Boost Mobile, in response to the cruddy economy, created a $50 no-contract unlimited plan that’s proved to be very, very popular for broke people. source
  • It’s so popular, in fact, that many users of the service are complaining about slow text messaging. The influx of new users are to blame. source

01 May 2009 12:30


Biz, U.S., World: China + U.S. trade is a complicated beast of a thing

Fortunately, super-cool finance web site has put together a cool graphic explaining it. source

01 May 2009 12:23


Music: It’s like the Warped Tour, with less punk and more twang

  • OK, this isn’t punk-rock, dudes. Kevin Lyman, the co-founder of the Vans Warped Tour, is working on a similarly-formatted show based around country music acts. The tour will likely hit the stages in Summer 2010. We realize that the Warped Tour is filled with a lot of commercial punk along with the real kind, but is it about to jump the shark? Hrm. source

01 May 2009 12:16


Culture, U.S.: Fox held its own with “Lie to Me” against Obama

  • 7.9 The rating for the Tim Roth drama which ran against a Barack Obama 100th-day news conference source

01 May 2009 12:09


Culture: Paula Abdul: She got fooled by Bruno, didn’t even realize it

  • Sacha Baron Cohen is working hard. Between Ron Paul and this amazingly funny trailer, dude has been trying his best to make his newest movie just as funny as “Borat.” Now comes word that “Bruno” has successfully clawed in “American Idol” judge Paula Abdul, who apparently has no idea she was fooled by the over-the-top gay Austrian journalist. Sweet! source

01 May 2009 12:00


Politics: Opinion: How do you become a genius? Work really, really hard.

  • The key factor separating geniuses from the merely accomplished is not a divine spark. It’s not I.Q., a generally bad predictor of success, even in realms like chess. Instead, it’s deliberate practice.
  • New York Times columnist David Brooks • On the spark that leads to genius – great amounts of work. He points, specifically, to Mozart and Tiger Woods, two who became leaders in their field because they put the work in to become leaders. • source

01 May 2009 11:52


Culture: Wolverine is not feeling the love from the critics

  • 38% critics’ opinion of “Wolverine” on RottenTomatoes source