Its in extreme poor taste to have that as a trendy topic. It’s totally disrespectful to make up a story like this where all human
Kanye West’s girlfriend, Amber Rose • Discussing on Twitter how her oft-discussed boyfriend is, in fact, still alive. So why’s “RIP Kanye West” trending? Blame 4chan, which you would expect to come up with something like this. I mean, come on, why would Kanye die? It’s way too obvious, guys. Pick a more interesting target next time. • source
@robinsloan smelt it, so we’re pretty sure he dealt it. Twitter is like McDonald’s. So many tweets get made nowadays that you’re surprised someone is counting. But someone is counting, and that guy (Robin Sloan, formerly of Current Media) noticed that he managed to get tweet number five billion today. Does he win a prize? If not, he should. source
I have close friends – and I know how to reach them. People create arguments, actual arguments or disagreements as a result of Facebook. I am like, ‘Really? It’s a computer network?’ We need to stop.
28-year-old Natasha Hawkins • Describing why she doesn’t use services like Facebook and Twitter – because it creates drama. Her friends are annoyed with her because it’s harder to keep her in the loop, but she’s steadfast about her beliefs. And she’s not alone. 85 percent of people between 18 and 34 used Facebook, MySpace and Twitter in August, but that means 15 percent didn’t. They may be living under rocks. They may be stubborn. Or they may just prefer human interaction. • source
Everything that I type, Everything that I do, some gossip site makes it news.
Miley Cyrus • Discussing the nature of her leaving Twitter. It’s an unexpected departure, mainly because she did it so regularly and had so many fans. But an unintended side effect of those tweets was the way that the more direct, honest ones – about her weight, for example – turned into gossip. If some gossip site were talking about our site’s weight all the time, we’d be uncomfortable too. Instead, we have Christwire (hilariously) suggesting that our site’s founder is a criminal. • source