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08 Dec 2009 23:03


Politics: A couple PR rules, through the vector of Tiger Woods’ idiocy

  • What Gotti understood, albeit at some primitive level, is that the news media abhor a vacuum and that if you don’t face them on your own terms, they will create the terms for you.
  • Reuters columnist Charles Feldman • In a column titled “What Tiger Woods Can Learn From John Gotti,” which looks at Woods’ mishandling of the media. Feldman is making the very argument we’ve been making for the last week and a half. Which is that Woods is so concerned about his privacy that he’s doing the opposite of everything he should be doing as a public figure. Woods isn’t afraid to accept the public’s money for his success, so he shouldn’t be afraid to come clean when he’s done wrong. He’s completely allowed the press to write the terms of his failings, so now the fall from grace is even more spectacular and painful as a result. (David Letterman clearly knew this, BTW.) source

08 Dec 2009 08:59


Culture: Tiger Woods drama: Uh, holy crap. Who’s on that stretcher?

  • Whoever’s on that stretcher isn’t looking so hot. This morning, a 911 call came from the home of Tiger Woods, leading to someone taken to the hospital on a stretcher from a nearby house. The person on the stretcher has been described as a “blonde woman.” She was followed in an SUV driven by someone matching Elin Nordegren’s description. Jesus, let’s hope this isn’t bad. (On a side note: The Orlando Sentinel, despite being updated just moments ago, has a complete fail of correct, up-to-date information. We apologize for using their site for this story.) source

07 Dec 2009 20:58



  • Tiger Woods is currently seeing his life getting destroyed. Apparently, because all the juicy crap in the previous post wasn’t enough, Playgirl has something potentially even more damaging on the table. Apparently, there are nude photos – likely cell-phone shot – of everyone’s favorite family-friendly golfer in the buff. Jesus Christ. You know what, this shit isn’t even funny anymore. LEAVE TIGER ALONE! source

07 Dec 2009 20:42


Culture: Lots of Tiger Woods dramarama today. Here’s the latest.

07 Dec 2009 09:50


Culture: Tiger’s list of women is getting absurdly long, hard to believe

  • 7 women want to be associated with the world’s greatest golfer source

06 Dec 2009 20:17


Culture: Who didn’t Tiger Woods have an affair with, anyway?

  • The latest to come forward: A Perkins waitress. Listen, there’s so many of these reported affairs now that we’re going to guess that some of them aren’t true. Although this one has a better chance than some of the others. Mindy Lawton, a waitress at an Orlando Perkins where Woods was known to get an egg-white omelet with broccoli, claims that she had a year-long relationship with the super-celeb. We’ll say it again, man. You could’ve saved yourself so much trouble had you come clean immediately. Now it’s just a sad, unbearably depressing joke. source

05 Dec 2009 11:22


Culture: Tiger’s voicemail could definitely be a bedroom jam, guys

  • Hey, uh, it’s Tiger. This may officially be the slow jam of the fourth quarter. Take your name off your phone. Just have it as a number.

05 Dec 2009 09:30


Culture: The Tiger Woods situation keeps getting messier and messier

  • four women have reportedly come forward in the Tiger Woods case
  • two of the women are cocktail waitresses; it’s a thing source

03 Dec 2009 10:04


Culture: Tiger’s neighbor says he was “snoring,” not running from his wife

  • I saw Tiger laying on the ground. Elin was talking to him. And from that point, I immediately ran back to the house, got the phone, called 911 and ran back out of the house again to see if she needed any assistance or whatever the case was going on. … At that point, he was snoring.
  • Jarius Lavar Adams • Tiger Woods’ neighbor, who called 911 and helped the golfer after the incident. If Adams’ account is correct, Woods potentially has a case against all the gossip sites – especially TMZ – about the attack. Because that means that Woods – while he may have cheated – wasn’t being run after by his golf-club wielding wife. Unless he was sleep-running. source

02 Dec 2009 21:42


Culture: pushes the Tiger Woods story to a disgusting new level


  • Is the Tiger Woods coverage not tasteless enough for you yet? Play the game. It’s probably enough to push those barriers of taste over the edge. See Tiger? If you had come clean four days ago, you wouldn’t be the subject of (pardon our french) shit like this. source