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05 Nov 2009 21:06


U.S.: Who was Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan? What caused him to kill?

  • Here’s a photo maliknidalhasan1105
  • Quick vitals Psychiatrist
    Army Major
    D.C. resident
    Going to Iraq
  • Here’s a photo maliknidalhasan1105
  • Quick vitals Psychiatrist
    Army Major
    D.C. resident
    Going to Iraq
  • Why did he crack? The best explanation we have so far? Nidal Malik Hasan, a single 39-year-old who was recently promoted to Major, was angry that he had to go to Iraq. The place he shot up was used to prepare soliders to deploy. Other suspects are in custody as well. Evidence does NOT point to terrorism. source

05 Nov 2009 20:27


U.S.: The Fort Hood shooting developed quickly. Here’s a timeline.

  • A lot happened in a very short period of time. It was, in fact a very scary, very sad incident that killed many. Thanks to Dipity, a timeline-focused information portal, we can pinpoint – to the moment – that the story broke, and all the developments in the case. We wish we could take credit for coming up with this vital resource, but instead we’ll defer to Amy Webb of Webb Media Group, who put this together.source

05 Nov 2009 15:30


30 Oct 2009 10:42


U.S.: FBI-slain Detroit mosque leader looked just like Dave Chappelle

The FBI is defending its decision to shoot Luqman Ameen Abdullah, but we’re thrown at hello because he looks like he was on Chappelle’s Show. source

29 Oct 2009 01:08


Offbeat: Great idea, idiots: A mistaken phone number leads to a shooting

  • A guy tried to get a hold of someone via text. He had the wrong number. Honest mistake, right? Whoops. My bad. source
  • The two men started fighting via text, and it got so bad that they met near a CVS, and one shot the other. Idiots. source

22 Sep 2009 21:06


Sports: Sucky fate for a former Superhero: Plaxico Burress is going to jail

  • I think in this case a fundamentally decent man, who violated the law, is going to be sentenced to a prison sentence. But I do not believe, under the circumstances of this case, we are sentencing a criminal in the true sense of he word.
  • Lawyer Benjamin Brafman • Discussing the Plaxico Burress case after his sentencing. Burress got sentenced to two years in prison today, and will likely spend 20 months in jail as a result of the incident, where he brought a gun into a nightclub and accidentally shot himself in the leg. A bit harsh considering he was the one who got hurt, but he had an expired license for the gun in a different state. Just two seasons ago, Burress, a former New York Giant, was the star of the show at the Super Bowl. • source

11 Sep 2009 13:08


U.S.: Anti-abortion protester killed in Michigan shootings

  • Owosso, Mich. is in the national news for the first time ever. James Pouillon, a noted anti-abortion activist, was killed this morning while protesting outside Owosso High School. Pouillion, who used an oxygen tank and wore leg braces while protesting, wasn’t alone. The owner of a local gravel company was found shot and killed inside his office. A suspect in both cases was later captured. Citizens for a Pro-life Society director Monica Migliorino Miller put it like so: “Jim Pouillon is a hero. He died for the cause of life.” source

15 Aug 2009 11:59


U.S.: Harlem shop owner on killing robbers: “I did the only thing I could do”

  • I did the only thing I could do at that time. Tried as long as I could not to, tried to get out of it; they wouldn’t let me get out of it.
  • New York City shop owner Charles Augusto Jr. • On having to shoot suspects in a robbery in Harlem. He didn’t want to, but they started pistol-whipping an employee and making the situation escalate. He killed two and injured two others in the act of self-defense. He will not be charged. • source

06 Aug 2009 11:27


U.S.: The L.A. Fitness shooter kept a diary. Read parts of it here.

  • Dude sure couldn’t stop thinking about that bad-luck-with-women thing, could he? A lot of his frustrations are clear in this document, some of which is blacked out, by the way.source

04 Aug 2009 22:44


U.S.: A bizarre shooting at a Pennsylvania gym leaves many dead

  • five number of people killed, including the gunman, in the LA Fitness outside of Pittsburgh source