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06 Feb 2012 23:46


U.S.: Former White House intern’s book claims to expose Kennedy sex scandal

  • An 18-month affair: A former intern for the Kennedy administration plans to release a tell-all book titled “Once Upon a Secret: My Affair with President John F. Kennedy and its Aftermath.” Starting when she was 19, Mimi Alford worked at the White House and claims to have had an 18-month affair with President Kennedy. Alford, who says she lost her virginity to the president, claimed that the president overpowered her, but he did so using his charm, not physically, “because I really think I was willing to do it.” source

06 Jun 2011 17:06


Politics: Today’s dramatic Anthony Weiner admission: What happened

  • The admission Congressman Anthony Weiner has confessed not just to sending a photo of his clothed penis to one woman, but to having sexually explicit (though non-physical) relationships with six or so women over three years. He repeatedly stressed his apologies, most of them directed at his wife, Huma.
  • No resignation Weiner made it clear, though — he has no intention of resigning his position as a congressman from New York. He maintains he hasn’t violated his oath to uphold the Constitution, and will work to convince his constituents that this was a personal failing that doesn’t compromise his ability to do his job.
  • The Breitbart angle Andrew Breitbart caused a stir when he arrived before Weiner’s appearance, and answered questions from the podium. He’s since said this wasn’t his idea, and that he was skeptical about it (we’d rate it a bad idea). That said, Weiner apologized to Breitbart by name during his appearance. source

27 Jan 2011 13:36


World: Italian PM Berlusconi accused of another underage prostitute liaison

  • Another day, another sex scandal: The water continues to heat up on Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, as the police have alleged a second liaison with a seventeen-year-old prostitute. While prostitution is not illegal in Italy, and the age of legal consent is fourteen, it is illegal to hire a prostitute under the age of eighteen. (photo via europeanpeoplesparty) source

06 Sep 2010 20:31


World: WikiLeaks leaders to Julian Assange: Step down, brah

  • I am not angry with Julian, but this is a situation that has clearly gotten out of hand. These personal matters should have nothing to do with WikiLeaks. I have strongly urged him to focus on the legalities that he’s dealing with and let some other people carry the torch.
  • Wikileaks organizer Birgitta Jonsdottir • Offering some insight into the Wikieaks organization’s stance on their leader. Short answer: They want him out, and have been pushing him to quit for two weeks. Jonsdottir, who also serves in Iceland’s parliament, has a pretty solid sum-up of the public face of Wikileaks at the end of this Daily Beast article: “Julian is brilliant in many ways, but he doesn’t have very good social skills. And he’s a classic Aussie in the sense that he’s a bit of a male chauvinist.” Ahahahaha, oh boy. TechCrunch suggests that Assange’s personal problems don’t make him a good leader. Hm. source

27 Jun 2010 12:09


World: Does the Pope take kindly to police raids on church property?

  • NO dude is super angry with Belgian authorities source

09 Mar 2010 10:19


Politics: Democrats calling Eric Massa’s bucket of crazy a bucket of crazy

  • I think this whole story is ridiculous. I think the latest excuse is silly and ridiculous. We’re focused not on crazy allegations but instead on making this system work for the American people rather than insurance companies.
  • White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs • Regarding the bowl of crazy Rep. Eric Massa alleged as he resigned yesterday. Other Democrats are denying the seeing-Rahm-naked allegations, too. Massa, by the way, will be on Glenn Beck today to defend himself. Get yo popcorn ready! source

17 Feb 2010 14:56



07 Oct 2009 20:29


Culture: David Letterman: Avoiding scandal on the show

  • And his fans are just fine with that. For the first time since the sex scandal broke on Thursday’s show, David Letterman avoided discussing it on the show. So did his guests. Good for him. Why should his job be defined by a bunch of personal crap? In our opinion, he handled it well considering the circumstances. And if he were to keep talking about it, it’d be show after show of hell for him. So, give him his hour of scandal-free chat. source

04 Oct 2009 23:06


U.S.: John Ensign shows how a sex scandal can quickly ruin your life

  • Ensign, a Nevada senator, looked like one of the great hopes for the Republican Party in 2012 and was regularly named as a possible presidential candidate. source
  • Battered after months of dealing with a sex scandal with a staffer, Ensign can’t even get love from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Ouch. source

03 Oct 2009 22:07


World: Is Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi on a mission to suppress the press?

  • We ask the prime minister to stop the campaign of accusations against journalists and to tell the truth.
  • Italian Press Federation head Franco Siddi • On the lawsuits Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has been filing against major newspapers in Italy. The PM, who either owns or is related to the owners of many major Italian media outlets, has been suing newspapers covering the major sex scandals against him. Silvio Berlusconi says the protests are a joke. • source