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02 Apr 2010 15:38


Culture: Kal Penn: “Harold & Kumar 3” beats working for Obama

  • I’m hurt and offended that you didn’t ask whether the million dollar Hollywood contracts were calling for me. I have not accepted any such contract at this point.
  • White House economic adviser Austan Goolsbee • Discussing (in hilariously deadpan terms) the fate of actor-turned-staffer Kal Penn, who is reportedly quitting his position as the White House’s associate director of public engagement to do a Christmas-themed “Harold and Kumar” movie (which may be in 3D). Which is seriously the best reason to quit any job, ever – actually, we take that back. The best reason to quit any job, ever, is to leave “House” to become the White House’s associate director of public engagement. Kal Penn seriously has the best resume ever. source

06 Mar 2010 12:54


Politics: Yet another New York politician chewed up, spit out by scandal

  • In the incredibly toxic atmosphere that is Washington D.C., with the destruction of our elected leaders having become a blood sport, especially in talk radio and on the Internet, there is also no doubt that an ethics investigation would tear my family and my staff apart.
  • New York Rep. Eric Massa • On his decision to leave office early, as of Monday at 5 p.m. He was facing an ethics scandal regarding misconduct towards a male staff member. Rather than face that political sucker-punch, he chose to resign instead. He had already said he wouldn’t seek re-election due to health reasons. What is in the water in New York that creates so many political scandals? Jesus. source

04 Oct 2009 23:06


U.S.: John Ensign shows how a sex scandal can quickly ruin your life

  • Ensign, a Nevada senator, looked like one of the great hopes for the Republican Party in 2012 and was regularly named as a possible presidential candidate. source
  • Battered after months of dealing with a sex scandal with a staffer, Ensign can’t even get love from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Ouch. source