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24 Aug 2009 22:51


Tech: Yahoo: Screw it, might as well make our search super-simple

See a trend? Just like the competition, Yahoo’s search page now has almost nothing on it. They revamped lots of other stuff, too. source

14 Aug 2009 19:50


Tech: When people use Google to search, they search way more

  • 54.5 average number of searches Google users make on a monthly basis; if you’re us, you make that many in an hour, possibly in half an hour (we search a lot) source

10 Aug 2009 21:51


Tech: More Facebook news: Their search is just like Twitter’s now

The new, expanded Facebook search makes a lot of sense for the service, but it lacks the trending topics lynchpin that makes Twitter so awesome. source

30 Jul 2009 21:30


Biz, Tech: Steve Ballmer: Investors are missing the MS/Yahoo deal’s benefits

  • Yahoo gets 88% of the search revenue they have today. They have 0% cost of goods sold against 88% revenue and they have no [research and development] expense and no ongoing [capital expenditure].
  • Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer • Explaining the benefit Yahoo gets for agreeing to letting Microsoft’s Bing power their searches. Some were disappointed that Yahoo didn’t get an upfront payment as part of the agreement, causing Yahoo’s stock to tumble while the rest of the market is doing relatively well. Ballmer explains that the benefit for Yahoo will be down the line when they don’t have to invest in search development. • source

29 Jul 2009 09:07


Biz, Tech: Microsoft and Yahoo, looking take on Google, find each other

  • It’s official. Yahoo has thrown in the towel. Microsoft and Yahoo have been talking about a search partnership for a while – talks that intensified after merger talks fell through, and now they see eye to eye on a 10-year partnership. MS will bring the Bing-Bing in the form of search, and Yahoo will bring the ching-ching in the form of advertising. The partnership makes them a formidable search competitor to Google’s 800-pound gorilla. source

24 Jul 2009 17:57


Biz, Politics, Tech: AP’s news wrappers: Our brains just imploded, guys

  • Wow, and we thought the Republicans’ health care graphic was bad. Basically, if we’re reading this right: The Associated Press needs to convince its members to agree to put digital wrappers on their content, wrappers that are a) invisible to consumers and b) can be tracked on the Internet. Um, OK. We don’t know if they know something about the ASCII type spec that we don’t, but what they’re describing sounds impossible to do with copy and pasting.source

01 Jul 2009 21:12


Tech: Bing tries to get a leap on the search competition with Tweet results

  • Who cares? Twitter’s own search is already really good. Microsoft, who apparently didn’t talk to the Tweetable company before implementing the new feature (not that they have to), now presents the latest tweets from a select crew of a few thousand notables (which we hope includes us, or it’s clobberin’ time). It’ll be gradual but eventually, expect to get Microsoft’s Tweets in your Bing. source

10 Jun 2009 09:21


Biz, Tech: Google’s CEO sez Microsoft is just making noise with Bing

  • It’s not the first entry for Microsoft. They do this about once a year. I don’t think Bing’s arrival has changed what we’re doing. We are about search, we’re about making things enormously successful, by virtue of innovation.
  • Google CEO Eric Schmidt • Who says that, despite Bing’s early popularity, they’re not a threat and will “evolve to a different strategy” that won’t affect Google. In other words, MS is rattling their cage again and not really hurting anyone. • source

15 May 2009 20:59


Tech: OK, we’re officially excited about Wolfram Alpha

This pretty brilliant computational search engine is in the midst of getting launched tonight. The hype is blinding. source

14 May 2009 22:03


Tech: How many people were screwed by a #googlefail moment?

  • 14% of Google users couldn’t get on because of glitches source