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25 Jun 2009 11:07


World: Why Italian president Silvio Berlusconi shouldn’t own TV stations

  • Berlusconi has been under increased scrutiny lately due to puported ties to prostitution and wild romps with call girls young enough to be his grandkids. source
  • Berlusconi also owns the country’s three largest commercial television networks. And, strangely enough, they’ve all given him a pass during the scandal. Hmm. source

24 Jun 2009 23:21


Politics, U.S.: Fox News mixes paper and plastic when it takes out the trash

Just ’cause you don’t like something a Republican did (in this case, Mark Sanford) doesn’t automatically make him a Democrat. source

21 Jun 2009 20:54


U.S.: Accused “Craigslist Killer” Phillip Markoff indicted this weekend

07 Jun 2009 10:33


World: Gordon Brown’s Labour Party support just dipped in the negative

  • Can we get unity under the current leadership? I am not sure that we can and I think we need to debate it urgently and I think probably it will need a change in leader.
  • Charles Falconer • A former senior Labour Party official, on the uphill battle Prime Minister Gordon Brown faces in the U.K. Election results for the European Parliament are expected to be brutal today for the ruling party, caught up in scandal and facing criticism about a lack of a coherent policy agenda. And Brown, the guy on top, has felt it the worst, losing half a dozen cabinet members this week alone. • source

23 May 2009 11:41


World: South Korea’s ex-president, fraught with shame, kills self

  • The former clean politician got caught in scandal. Roh Moo-hyun, who served as president from 2003 to 2008, jumped off a cliff today, according to his aides and police. The former president held a rep for being a clean leader, but was linked to a corruption scandal that had taken down some of his aides. He then started saying things such as “You should now discard me,” which should have been giant flying red flags in retrospect. source

19 May 2009 21:04


World: British PM Gordon Brown’s got a “resign” petition with his name on it

  • 60,953 signed the bloody thing already source

19 May 2009 20:58


World: The Daily Telegraph took down a British Commons speaker. Not bad.

  • Michael Martin is the first speaker to resign since 1695. Martin, whose parliament became embroiled in political scandal after days of reports by the Daily Telegraph about huge personal expenses made by members of Parliament. We’re not talking a couple of reports. We’re talking a massive f&*!(&% subsection of the Telegraph’s site about the expenses, which they got their hands on months before the Parliament planned to release them themselves. So, yeah, let’s just say that about half the British Parliament is screwed. High-five to the Telegraph for looking out for the common man. source

28 Feb 2009 10:21


Biz: Elie Wiesel: Not a big Bernard Madoff fan

  • ‘Sociopath,’ ‘psychopath,’ it means there is a sickness, a pathology. This man knew what he was doing. I would simply call him thief, scoundrel, criminal.
  • Elie Wiesel • Talking about Bernard Madoff, who made off with $15 million from Wiesel’s charity organization as part of the $50 billion he stole from investors. Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor and Nobel Prize-winning writer, says Madoff should be held in solitary confinement with pictures of his victims constantly showing on a screen. • source

14 Feb 2009 08:23


Sports: A-Rod couldn’t reschedule the park dedication, it seems

  • I want to welcome my friends in the back. We travel together just like a family. A dysfunctional family. As you know, it’s been a really quiet week for me, so it’s nice to get out on a Friday night.
  • Alex Rodriguez • Referring to the press, who followed him to the University of Miami, where Alex Rodriguez Park was dedicated to him last night – just days after admitting to using steroids between 2001 and 2003. The Yankees slugger never went there, but he almost did and has since donated a lot of money to the school. • source